Revised Hypothesis: The Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) and BRICS, An Inseparable Pair?

Some talk has been to use XRP as a in between currency before the real qfs can be launched.

Also XLM is supposed to be part of the crypto money plan.


These blockchains are fully online and has been pressure tested for years.
If/when the SEC loses against Ripple/XRP a ton of liquidity will flow into their systems.


Reposting this because it’s very important. The question is, will this coalition defend Taiwan, or, let it go and for their ‘New Taiwan’?

No wonder The Pacific is so important, esp. burning Maui to make a port. Notice the close proximity to Guam, namely Japan and So. Korea. This meeting is a big deal.

China just cancelled a huge tool order from Japan which will set them back a bit. If any country is getting weather warfare used against them, it’s China. Russia can’t help China; they’re a bit busy at the moment and don’t think they would anyway.

Japan, So. Korea, Guam, Maui, California. Very convenient.

Hi @Soupcommie

I’m not so sure about that. I think the transactions are directly in gold, with currency as placeholder. IDK, but something to keep an eye on. Thanks!

Yeah at the top real assets change hands for sure.
I just meant that instead of dollars ive read that XRP and XLM will be used to trade gold/silver etc.

Most likely there is already many other blockchain based solutions for other natural resources.

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We really have no idea. If you look at my post on Dr. thread about BRICS published a couple of days ago, you can see what the financial guys are saying. It makes sense and throwing in cryptos is just another medium they have to mess with. SEEMS LIKE countries are using their own currencies as placeholders until gold is transferred.

Crypto is nothing except a way to transfer a piece of data.

Cryptocurrencies imo has a major benefit being able to be traced through the blockchain.

For most legal transactions i see no problems for most people if/when a big switch happens from fiat to crypto.

However for cryptocurrencies to work, we a need decentraliserad internet,powergrid etc.

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Crypto is a trial balloon by TPTB, IMO.

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Hurricane winds to move the flames, caused by hotspots…
The burning of The South…

I don’t know how bad a shape China is in but I think TPTB is doing quite a job on them.

I was waiting for someone to semi-confirm my suspicions and Martin Armstrong might have done just that! China desperately needs money to help combat the dire real estate situation it’s in and might have been selling UST’s at an uncomfortable pace, or, made a threat US could not ignore.

Blinken - Sent to China to make the general deal
Yellen - Sent to work out the logistics (No Treasury Secretary has ever been sent to China solo.)
Kissinger - To smooth out the wrinkles, even though he can’t smooth out his own.

Biden then arranged a ‘Summit’ at Camp David with Japan, largest holder of US Treasuries outside of US (China is 2nd) and So. Korea, which has the industrial base in the region to help take the place of Taiwan and China output; and also keep No. Korea in check. Then, there’s the geography of Guam, eastward to soon-to-be-port on Maui, to California. It doesn’t get anymore perfect!

Let the fireworks fly! The Fed has been raising rates not to combat inflation; maybe a little, but more to combat China. Buckle up! It’s sure being kept quiet; not a peep.

I’m placing this on BRI thread along with a great interview with Jeffery Sachs.

Video time 9:15 to 9:45. Note this video was made 4 months ago, before Blinkin, Winkin and Knod made trips to China.

“Can history help us predict market cycles?” with Martin Armstrong

This video was made before all the flooding.

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I wonder who in their right mind wants to buy UST though?

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The Chinese bought treasuries over many years, when interest rates were near zero (the last 15 or 20 years). By raising interest rates the way The Fed has been doing, it’s made those bonds lose a lot of value, however, China dumping all of them on the market at once would crater US economy.

Don’t really like the ‘forest fire’ analogy but I know what he means.

I guess The Chinese People couldn’t afford, or, didn’t want to live in 15-min cities. China pushed forward with this too fast, too soon.

I’m convinced the enormous interest rate rise by The Fed is primarily to break China and not to fight ‘inflation’ here in The West, which they have caused artificially as a cover for what they’re really doing.

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How are factions within China linked to or dependent upon the EU? Luongo and Armstrong et. al do a good job portraying the euro and ECB as the first to fail.


Saudis just joined BRICS but asking for deal with US & Israel for protection against Iran? AND, SA cut petrol production, which, even if US doesn’t use much SA crude, will still raise prices? Israel we already know about; they’d rather US soldiers die than Israeli soldiers die.

I think not…