Revised Hypothesis: The Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) and BRICS, An Inseparable Pair?

I should know better than to try and formulate anything when I’m as tired as I was last night. I was thinking about things said when in Sakhalin and some of it just doesn’t work but some does work. Looked some things up and trying again. By no means is this hypothesis complete and I’ve surely got many things incorrect, however, it could be close in some portions. I’m going to simplify this and take Alaska out of it; as it’s not likely a part of the initial squabble but is still important in BRI. I am also not rehashing all the actions in The Ukraine.

First, it’s obvious from the burn maps, from the massive infrastructure spending and from what the Chinese/American propagandist said, “Get onboard or be left out” (video below), that BRI is fully in play in North America.

It’s becoming increasingly clear that any country wanting to benefit from BRI, must join BRICS and will have to adopt the upcoming BRICS currency. Here’s what MIGHT have happened with regard to The USA and has all been kept SECRET.

During The Obama Administration, The USA likely applied for entry into BRICS to gain BRI benefits, but like The UK did in joining EU, we wanted to keep The USD. BRICS leadership, led by Putin, rejects the application, not wanting to deal with a possible BRICSxit, as EU did with Brexit and more than one currency was never a part of BRICS plan. There were probably counter offers from USA, which might have included threats of some sort, still wanting to keep USD. Putin, along with Xi and others completely rejected the counter offers. Putin’s word is final. Obama knew that had he tried to ditch USD on an immediate basis, he would have had a revolution on his hands and is now boxed in and angry. Obama tries to appeal to China, bypassing Russia with TPP proposal that fails in US vote.

In the biggest surprise in modern US election history, Trump gets (s)elected! (However you wish to view it.) Trump goes to Putin & asks conditions for US entry into BRICS…

Putin explains: One thing US cannot do is bring USD to the table. BRICS members will all be using the same currency and there is no place for any other. The new currency links to BRI, which is the most important world wide project to ever be built and central to all of BRICS.
Trump: USA has a Constitution and laws would have to be changed to allow for a slow withdrawal from USD. We can’t do it all at once.
Putin: I can’t do anything about your Constitution or your laws; that’s something you must handle. You probably have a good 8 years to do it and we’re just now starting to really roll this out. You have the info (and maps) on what we need from USA and the rest of No. America. If you can change the laws and get things rolling, we would welcome you but NO USD!
Trump: Okay, we’ll get to work on it.

Trump takes Obama’s TPP proposal & Clinton’s NAFTA Agreement and reworks them and on November 30, 2018, USMCA is signed as a “Trade Agreement” by Mexico Pres. Nieto, Canadian PM Trudeau and POTUS Trump. The Agreement destroys all borders and most individuals rights, esp. with regard to land rights, in all three countries. On July 1, 2020, USMCA entered into force. (Everyone knows by now that the reading group I belong to read The Agreement and what the opinion of it is. Will attach video & Agreement below.) Remember, Trump feels sure he has 4 more years to work all this into acceptance by The American People.

Trump loses election, whether stolen or not. Obama, Clintons, Biden & others who made Putin angry, still having no pieces of the pie, fast forward the plans in USMCA, which provides all the needed authority & begins work on BRI routes and buildout before resubmitting application to BRICS. Putin would reject any application by USA, based on Biden as POTUS, knowing the anger and likely plots against him. Biden tries to circumvent Putin by going directly to Xi, which does not bring the desired results and Xi informs Putin of Biden’s direct offers. It’s at this time that Obama, Biden, Clinton’s and all associated with them realize they are completely cutoff with respect to joining BRICS and any share in the BRI deals slated to bring in the trillions and quadrillions of USD equivalent assets. (Do you really think they will let this pass them by?) Although China appears to be doing the heavy lifting with regard to financing BRI, with the largest amount of US Treasuries held outside The USA, it is clear that Putin’s common sense approach places him in a leadership position in which China is not going to challenge. Russia’s cooperation and land routes are vital to BRI’s success. Those countries now applying to BRICS are on the BRI route maps and if accepted, will be using the new BRICS currency.

The Biden Conglomerate, whomever they might include, is unwilling to be left out of the richest deal in world history and surmises that if Putin is removed from the picture via interference in The Ukraine, they have an excellent chance of reaping the rewards that BRI will bring. The North American leaders, under USMCA Laws, speed up preparations for BRI, without BRICS application.

The US & Canadian economies continue to be destroyed (to get rid of USD?). BRI paths in California, Canada & some of Alaska are being hastily cleared by fires.

Immigration via Mexican border continues unabated, as migrants are bussed and flown throughout The US and Canada. Is it a planned takeover or labor (forced?) for BRI build-out? Or both? There are not enough people in The USA and Canada, who are fit to do the amount of work needed; even so, many don’t have skills. Immigrants from south of The US border will perform the work for a fraction of the cost, most especially if they should become slave labor; there is no going back for them. It is legal to ‘hire’ these immigrants, according to USMCA laws.

Remember, BRI in North America is still a SECRET and the BRI map I referenced on another thread was about 15 years ago and laid out the same North American routes in the same locations where the fires are presently burning. That map has since been wiped and I cannot find it. PLEASE post it here should you happen to run across it!

All of this is speculation but it does fit the pattern. Whomever is the next POTUS in 2024, if there is a 2024 (s)election, regardless of who it is, will likely go for BRI in a big way. He will have no choice.,are%20shown%20with%20grey%20markers

The young man who made this video was the leader of our and other reading groups for USMCA.


Comments from Reading Group and those associated with it, with a focus on Alaska and Canada at this time because of the remoteness of many of the areas:

Former Construction Supervisor - If slave labor is being used, it would take approx. 5 years to get the land for routes leveled, foundations in place and the barest portion of build-out done. After that, the work would go much faster, as new transport equipment would be built separately and by corporations specializing in this equipment. Watch the contracts.

Retired Social Worker - In such labor camps, the mortality rate will be very high. The question of why most of the immigrants are men would figure in this scenario. The women and children would be used for cooking, hygiene and brothels. The vast majority of men are from Hispanic countries where LGBTQ is not as open, or, as accepted as in Europe and USA. In order to not instigate additional mental, emotional and religious stress, not forcing LGBTQ upon the men is key to keeping as many alive and working as possible, along with food and remedy of sexual desires of those who are healthy enough and not completely exhausted as yet. Depending upon conditions, as many as half of this labor force may not be able to work for the number of years required. What will be done with those who are unable to continue, for whatever reason?

U.S. Marine (Retired) - If the influx of migrants are slave labor for BRI build-out, the guard detachments will likely be much like that of Nazi Germany; beatings, torture and a variety of other methods to keep the work on schedule. As an armed force, the concerns would be to guard the route lines against intrusion by saboteurs, media and curious on-lookers. Whether or not they’re used against the population later depends upon how many survive, their physical and mental condition, previous planning and armaments. The guards will have elevated conditions to keep them more willing to continually punish and murder anyone involved in the labor force.


BRICS Currency slated to launch in late August.

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  1. The US lawmakers pass the largest Infrastructure Bill in history.
  2. Not enough young, strong men in US and Canada to physically build-out that infrastructure.
  3. Laws changed to make it legal to bring in personnel, via Mexican border, regardless of their country of origin. (See USMCA video and document above.)
  4. Workers likely to be paid minimum wage and housed in govt/military type facilities.
  5. Workers accustomed to living and working without air conditioning, although heat will be needed in late season.

Not saying these people aren’t going to attack us, but before that happens, another very distinct possibility exists.

The wealth to be garnered from BRI truly is incalculable at this point; never mind quadrillions of dollars, it’s way past that. We are speaking of the entire planet. AI and robotics either not advanced enough to do the actual physical labor, or, still being held a secret. This possibility truly needs to be considered. Do you really think TPTB in The US are going to dismiss this opportunity?



US govt and TPTB don’t have to worry about this kind of mess when they bring in workers from south of the border.

Auto industry braces for contentious contract talks as UAW formally kicks off bargaining



Michael Wayland@MIKEWAYLAND

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  • Negotiations between the United Auto Workers and Detroit automakers formally kicked off Wednesday.
  • UAW President has vowed to be aggressive in bargaining with General Motors, Ford Motor and Stellantis for new worker contracts.
  • A prolonged workers strike is a particularly high risk this year and could cost automakers billions.

Ultium has said hourly workers currently make between $16 and $22 an hour with full benefits, incentives and tuition assistance. That compares to traditional hourly UAW members that can make upward of $32 an hour at GM plants.

etc., etc., etc.

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So the long range plan of a North American Union is basically slave labor.
No surprise at all.


And TPTB will do away with most of them once BRI is done.
BTW, there is no food shortage, except for the general US population. The builders of BRI will be fed well. This is where the food is likely going.

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Is this all considered a threat to NATO/The Atlanticists ?

Go up to the top and read the reason Biden is really in Ukraine.
There is no deal for USA re: BRI because Obama and his cronies pissed Putin off.
If Biden can get rid of Putin, he thinks he and his can get a slice of BRI pie.

Meanwhile, virtually all supplies, materials, food and water rerouted to feed the immigrants to build-out, in anticipation of Putin’s demise and joining BRICS to get BRI. They want to be ready.

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One aspect of the NAU that hardly anyone is paying attention to is the creation of 'inland ports and corridors '. Basically you have highways,railroad lines and wear houses being established with roughly the same legal status as airports and seaports, where local or even national law enforcement has no jurisdiction. We know illegal drugs pour in through these points, now that and lord knows what else can be safely transported and stored as well. The mind reels.


Either the deepstate exists and therefore also people fighting it.
Or it doesnt.


Fighting over it is my guess.


But why would any country want to risc that another country would have the control of the operation?

I find it more plausible that the various sides are present in all countries.
Some people everywhere want to enslave everyone and others are doing the opposite.

The party we need to worry about is the private sector.
Its the corporations that have corrupted people within the governments etc, they are the roots of the problem.
As long as they can control the resource management and energy etc we are toast.
We can only hope that the non corrupted parts of various intelligence assets have infiltrered enough positions of power to change this.

The real game happens in board rooms and small blackops etc.
Whatever we get fed in media is just a show.


Rickards probably has the best explanation I’ve read thus far regarding BRICS gold-backed currency. Not as immediately dramatic as the title would have you think but it’s big.

Scroll down and take a look at how many countries have a stake in BRI!
Not all are members of BRICS (yet) but it sure covers a lot of area…Except USA & Canada, among a few others.
MEXICO is showing great interest! What will this do to USMCA Agreement?

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Although Germany is a NATO and G7 member, it is not a BRICS member.
Yet, Port of Duisburg, the largest inland port in the world, is a major transit for BRI, handling more containers than any other port.
Leave it to The Germans to cut such a deal!

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I don’t know if this guy is a CIA spy or not but it doesn’t matter.
He’s telling people the straight story.
Although he doesn’t say it, Xi is the financier and Putin is the organizational brains.

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I wonder what powers is behind wanting us to fear BRICS…

If the real war is for routes of trade and resource harvesting.
Then why is BRICS bad for the most people in the world?

The west/deepstate has through Israel and other strategic passages bottlenecked the world economy and forced many countries into their system.

The BRI initiative will make it possible for many countries to trade without US interference/Dollars etc.

Of course in the short term its going to destroy the wests economy.
But that is totally on us guys, we have forced the world in to submission and basically stolen everyones stuff and gave them iou’s.

We have to accept that our wealth will be taken back, before we can rise up and hopefully be able to actually cooperate with the east etc.

I think there will be many opportunities for honest people who are awake enough to try to navigate the waters.
Whatever the cbdc crew is cooking up will be revealed soon.
Will probably make BRICS look alot better when it does.


The first video explains why we had the Covid lockdown and also why we have Ukraine, both are very much convenient cover stories and so much more to enable the behind the scenes adjustments to the massive global infrastructure and I like the second video which explains the erasure of jurisdiction boundaries.
Sustainable development is all about putting in place their stinking one world govt. Agenda 21 is happening everywhere, here in the UK it is going along very nicely. Mass immigration, cashless businesses everywhere now, no more small businesses on the high street. No more local banks. I also like the second video for exposing Trump for the traitor and liar he is. So much of the agenda is being pushed through by Biden and Trump.


At this time, I still adhere to my hypothesis above.

Obama tried to get USA in on BRI, keeping the USD as vital and that attempt(s) failed. I think Trump’s intention was to move USA away from USD hegemony and get us into BRI, via BRICS, as the Plan given in USMCA reflects. Putin is rejecting anyone who had anything to do with Obama Admin and that’s why Biden is after him. The USA cannot and will not be left out of BRI. It is the most lucrative deal ever to be made on the planet and which ever ‘gang’ gets US there stands to make a minimum of trillions of dollars, if not more. They are building out with Biden’s Infrastructure Bill in anticipation of getting BRI, one way or another and need the dedicated laborers to do it; thus, the open border to the south and housing of young men from that migration. It all makes sense.

The avarice of our world leaders has completely overtaken all other priorities.

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