Revised Hypothesis: The Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) and BRICS, An Inseparable Pair?

So this explains the push for Kennedy, it’s the Dems only possible hope of winning an election legitimately but they may well just rig it again as they have in the past. Europe is being rehashed for this initiative and most of the masses are g by ring duped by the media controlled by TPTB. Kennedy is no man if the CJ people as Dr Shirva is showing. Check him out on rumble.

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Kennedy doesn’t seem to have much of an international policy and absolutely no domestic policy at all. He is a figure head, as Reagan was, while GHWB ran the platform. Trump is also a figure head but Pence wasn’t running anything; someone else was running things after USMCA was signed and Trump resented it. Trump’s ego overrides everything. It must be his idea. Period. End of story.

Re: Kennedy - This is why he will need an experience politician and planner to run his admin. should he get elected. Guess who’s available and has loads of experience? Not saying it will be but sure is convenient.


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Seems plausible that you are close to reality here…
Most likely the globalists that Obama represents thought that their plan was going as planned back then.

They thought they had everything setup and ready.
But Hillary didnt get in and then panic set in.
The moves made during the Obama era was not possible to back out of.
The deepstate went all in once they thought they had enough pieces in place for ze final solution 2.0.

Personally i think even Obama was in a similar position as Biden is atm.
Ie a swamp creature forced to expose and help destroy his masters.
Im not saying this because i think Obama did much good in the open.
However a few decisions he did made zero sense if his real agenda was to further the agenda.

So dont misinterpret me, i dont think Obama isnt corrupt.
But i do beleive he has been under control by the white hats since before he was a president.

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ALL of them are controlled, one way or another.
Biden has really gummed up the works, which is why ‘they’ didn’t want him to run again.
Whomever is elected next will finish the job.

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What does gummed up the works mean Beaver? Not familiar with that term.

Sorry @Marcusmojo00
Simply put, it means Biden botched the job.

Because Putin is still in power?

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Basically, Yes. I think those behind this push for BRI in The US misunderstood Putin’s complete mistrust of anyone associated with Obama Admin. I think Putin and Trump had a deal & those associated with Obama in any way were completely left out of the money.

Remember that the first ‘incursion’ into Ukraine in 2014 to get at Putin was during Obama Admin.

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Interesting thought. Trump as the second video highlighted is on board the one world train. But this would explain the obsession with destroying him at every step to the crazy impeachments we see today.

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Spot on @Marcusmojo00 ! You betcha!
Nobody is going to give up a Deal like BRI…Nobody, no matter who they have to kill to get it.


What people might not quite understand is that each country having it’s own currency is fine but, in order to trade on BRI, it’s likely that each country will have to use BRICS currency. I think Obama went in and insisted that USD be acceptable as trading currency and Putin (& Xi) rejected that proposal.

The most interesting country in this mix at this time is guess who? Germany.
Germany is a G7 and NATO member and does not (yet) belong to BRICS but is reaping great rewards from BRI from the use of The Port of Duisburg. It is the largest inland port in Europe, handles the most containers, mainly from China, via BRI and is rather an enigma.

Upon what I think might be a request of The Baltic States, as you know, Biden is reinforcing that area with 3000 more U.S. (not NATO) troops and Germany is sending 4000.

What is Germany up to now? They appear to be playing both sides, but are they? Leave it to Germany to cut a deal outside of the norm?

As a side note, I’m hearing that India might not be quite ready to give up the rupee, making an announcement of a rollout date for BRICS currency doubtful but they are working on it.


From what ive understand the idea is for different nations to peg their currency to various resources.
Not sure about the details, but basicly the BRI currency is supposed to become a basket of various resources.
So not just the old gold backed, but backed by several different items.

Could be that different countries use different assets to back their national currency.
Then they could buy BRI currency when trading with other countries.
So in theory the BRI would always have a large pool of resources they can claim with all the currency they have from the different countries.

Sounds more legit then getting dollars that noone knows how many exists etc.
But not sure who will reap the benefits of this system.

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That’s the way I understand it as well.

A country doesn’t have to give up their currency but to trade with BRICS nations (and likely BRI), they would have to use BRICS currency. The problem is that there are many underdeveloped and downright poor nations that have shown great interest in joining BRICS. What are they bringing to the table as far as assets? Could it be that by being accepted, it gives BRICS the right to develop the assets of that nation and garner the profits from those developed assets? IDK. I’m reading BRICS Agreement now, as time permits, as the reading group is working on other items so this is going to take a really long time.

I speculate that the problem with The US might have been that Obama wanted USD to also be a standard, along with BRICS currency and that idea was flatly rejected.

They’re still burning California. Wonder how far south and east the fires will go?

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Oh my! The first 10 minutes says it all. G7 competing BRI with China and guess what US Bill was going to fund it? Build Back Better. Who single-handedly killed BBB? JOE MANCHIN. BBB was revamped to The Infrastructure Bill & Manchin voted for it, as he jammed in a gas pipeline to go through W. Virginia.

SPECIAL ATTN: Min. 5:24. Are those fires burning on the screen?!

Is China’s BRI really a debt trap?
BRI info from beginning to min. 9:00.

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As far as where US leaders might stand on all this, there might be small variations in their allegiances but ultimately I believe NO ONE is/will be in power who isn’t ultimately on board with the globalist agendas.

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The point you keep missing is that there is NO Joe Biden. He no longer exists. Obama masked puppets is all there is.

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I’m not missing anything with regard to Biden.