Revised Hypothesis: The Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) and BRICS, An Inseparable Pair?

Well yeah. The question is how they’re going to do it. Is it possible to stop them? Is it possible to keep from being taken prisoner by these conglomerates in a living hell, etc. Lots of questions.

I realize this is a fictionalized film but I’ve been to a couple of countries and seen this live in living color.
They burn to make roads.

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I at least attempt to raise awareness. Next Door Dotcom, where I live there’s a California based developer who’s running rough shod over the town with affordable housing, pulling all sorts of dirty tricks etc. People are loosing their minds at how they’re seemingly doing whatever they want. I went on and pointed out that our ‘city’ is a signatory to UN Agenda 21 For Sustainable Development and the construction represents their goals. Not one reponse.


Gary, who made the USMCA video I posted, was our reading group leader for USMCA, lives in California. With the passage of The Agreement, it is now Law and they will do as they please.
The attempts to keep everyone as quiet as possible is to continue the illusion of independence and freedom, up to whatever point they deem that’s not needed anymore.
I have to wonder that if the fires can be stopped, will the plans be stopped, or at least, severely hampered? That would take a lot of people to block those routes.

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Lead up to BRICS currency?
Macron asks for invite to August BRICS meeting?
Interesting video.

Had replied to wrong post. Sorry Dr.

I think what we’re seeing here with regard to the fires in Canada and US is the G7 version of BRI prep. CA fires started in 2018, same year USMCA signed.

Trump said in one of the videos above that (para) “If USD loses it’s status, it’s like a world war…”
Were these burnings the G7/USMCA plans?

At this time, I believe there are 2 plans in progress.
The Paradise, CA fires and signing of USMCA occurred within 2 weeks of each other and it’s been hell ever since. No way is this coincidental. They are competing and it’s a race.
Canada is USA’s largest exporter of petroleum.
Mexico has some seriously rich silver deposits but Mexico wants to attend BRICS meeting as well.
The USA has the currency, using USD.
Whether Trump is elected or not, he set the laws in motion and they’re being used against us.

BTW, Putin will be attending BRICS meeting via videoconference. (Very end of video below.) The bounty on that man must be many millions of USD.

How much land has been burned in Canada 2023?

As of its most recent update, the interagency fire center has recorded 4,202 wildfires since the beginning of 2023. The fires have scorched at least 10.9 million hectares — or over 26.9 million acres — of land across Canada this year.
2 days ago (JULY 18, 2023)

I am hoping something like this fire does NOT await residents in North American forested areas.

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Remember the California fires a few years ago ? if you over lap the UN agenda21 maps everything lines up. They are emptying the country side using flood & fires. Solar powered microwave space platform are lighting up everything. The weaponization of space will only turn their guns towards us , the grounders.

I live in eastern Canada , you can take this fact to the bank. The sky has been hazy since the fires earlier this summer , the criss-crossing trails got a major boost from the particulate. Our temperature has been even , staying in the average no peak and no low. This is uncharacteristic for Canada.

To link with your previous post. Am affraid the BRI will be turned against the US. They will blockade , ambargo and sanction the USA. The BRICS is like a social justice event for the global south sticking it to the “man”. That said i have no problem with country reinforcing their currency with their commodities but fundamentally i see the BRICS has the same scam the bank of England ran but in the East. Just like David Rockefeller dreamt for China. Bottom line America will have to come up with something strategic the rest of the world wants. . . Flying Saucers perhaps? hahahaha

Yep, I posted that above a few days ago.

Yes, I agree that BRICS is in competition to USD but they don’t have to embargo or sanction us, just refuse to use USD as currency.

Anything is possible! LOL! Somehow, I think USMCA, all the burning for roads in US and Canada and USD might be the North American version of BRICS. The actual BRICS are way ahead of No. America in build-out but I think No. America is closer to having the currency problem resolved. The only outlier is Mexico. They seem to be crawfishing a bit. If Mexico joins BRICS, there goes a huge amount of silver supply and since they signed The Agreement, in this case, a blockade or other is possible.

Nice comparison between BOE and The East! VERY similar.

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Yeah by BRI i meant blocking physical access ; high speed trains , shipping lanes. London already lost all the insurance market shares looks like they don’t have much faith in the US military might. Russia is offering insurance all of a sudden hehehe. The containment game back firing is a strong possibility after all.
Id be happy if everybody agreed no one can rule the world . . . “The Grand Chess board” … That’s eurotrash ideas. . . The creation of America came from saying NO , no mas to all that grandiose enterprise. . . Now we are going to have space NATO … urgh Little European country will start sh*t and hide behind Big bully America “space edition”. Big European Aerospace events will take place this September. The pivot to space is on a timeline looks like. Even Alex Jones let it slip during his show yesterday.

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It’s all entirely possible. I wish there were more we could do other than watch it play out but it would take the percentage population in the streets like Israel or France.

Alex Jones ran he mouth about it? Not surprised. I’ll have to go take a listen.

Hope you’re okay there in Eastern Canada. Lots of smoke…

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yeah i’ll find it for you

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Oh thank you! Trying to cruise through that site can be messy.

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Watch the whole segment till the break , 1:23:40
It’s the whole 1 degree of separation from Musk by Rogan but mostly all the Austin Tech guys who came forward to thank him for sounding the alarm about Covid. He was the watcher on the wall. IE: UN , NeoCon , NeoLibs , The Anglo-American establishment.


Thanks very much!!!

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Fire Report up to July 21, 2023.
What a bunch of liars, except for the ‘more predicted’ lingo, clouded in gov BS.

The United States are divided into 10 Geographic Areas to allow for cost effective and timely mobilization

FEMA never sounded so friendly hehehehehe

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I know. I’m working on the fires right now.

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