RFK Jr. News Conference (Separate Link) and Other Articles and Videos

Everyone thought he was going to drop out and got surprised!
AP appeared to have a little ‘connectivity problem’ for a minute, but RFKJr got his points across.

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I’m not a Kennedy fanatic, but it just might be time to break up the 2-Party system that globalists have pushed and embedded into The U.S.A.

Against the jabs

With regard to mandatory tagging of farm animals

About technologies used by Intelligence agencies.

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I like RFK but as I have written here many weeks ago RFK is a just a ‘stalking horse’ candidate. Sure, he has some good positions, but stating then openly is not the way for any candidate who opposes the Deep State to overcome the widespread vote cheating that lies deeply underneath every {s}election in all the key battleground states. It is an entirely rigged system that will be almost impossible to overcome. The honest people of the USA are going to need an entirely new way to get rid of the pestilence problem in this nation, and dismantling and rebuilding all of the so-called Intelligence Agencies would be a proper start, then progress forward to implement a truly genuine voting system.


While I agree with you for the most part, we have to start to unravel this somewhere. Breaking up a 2-Party system is the best first step I can think of to take. The change is unlikely to happen in just one election without an intermediate step. While I don’t agree with everything Jr. espouses, he’s certainly no worse that the 2 others we have to choose from, which are downright terrifying. Biggest difference that’s immediately noticeable is Jr. is the only candidate who did not ‘insist’ on Americans taking the jab.

Our children are being destroyed, and might not make it past 1 or 2 more future generations! OUR CHILDREN ARE ILL! We have no chance at all if this is allowed to continue.

Again, I’m not sure people understand that whomever wins this upcoming election will lead Our Country to a revival of national life or to the death of Our Nation. This is it for us! We are out of time.


Here’s Jr.'s running mate. She makes me nervous as all hell. Why can’t we get just one pair who’s relatively ‘clean’?! I truly think if we can break up this 2-party system, we might have a chance to break free. (That, and ditching the smartphones.)

Here’s some pretty good interviews. Looked at a few of them and oddly, Dr. Phil did the better job.

Short version covering some important points:

Full interview:
Part 1

Part 2:

I don’t get it, I just don’t. How can anyone justify killing all these people to ‘get to Hamas’? He says he ‘goes by facts’, then how do his facts weigh this? I understand Jr. has a lot of trauma involved, but still…

The leadership of both Parties have been there for too long, no new ideas. Essentially we have had a Uni-Party system with a few exceptions. All their plans got a kick-in-the-butt when Trump beat Killary Klinton, who was favored to win. In the final days the betting odds were 98 to 2 that Trump would lose the election.

View Trump’s inaugural speech and look at the Republican’s faces of their party leaders. They looked like they were at a funeral, which it was because it was their funeral. Then along came the Russiagate scandal, after Trump and Putin had their meeting in Helsinki, followed by Lavrov’s meeting with Trump’s leading advisor’s. Lots of filling in the blanks here, but you could save yourself a whole lot of time and effort once we research WW1, WW2 and the invasions of Russia by you know who.

There’s nothing new under the sun, and I’m still for breaking up the 2-party system.


Trump too… (His first concern? Israel.)