Most of us know who Richard Dolan is…more associated with UFO Disclosure than anything else, and he wrote a couple of excellent books on that topic, outlining the sheer volume of interactions between the US military and UFO’s and the complete denial of any of it; this one though is more of a major rant about how the world is currently fighting a revolution and most people barely understand it or are aware of it at all. I have seen many of his UFO presentations over the years, and he is usually a very engaging reasonable person; in this one his anger - controlled, but easy to ‘feel’ - is front and center. This one should be shared widely IMO…blood boiling stuff!
11 years ago Richard Dolan profoundly changed the way I thought about the reality I was living in. Studying Richard Dolan’s work was the first step of many that has led me to the Giza Community. I agree with you beatthedrum, it is in my opinion that this one should be shared widely, thanks for posting.
Yes Azgal, this one is a real call to arms!
Tried to reply to this.
Hit reply bottom and typed reply.
But no button for post. so hit reply again.
Reply for Richard Dolan post ended up in my Stephen Lendman post.
Just excellent. Thanks for posting.
I will listen to this soon; over the past year I have found his communication somewhat disappointing, but I suppose everybody has their ups and downs.
I know exactly what you mean Dana, but I think you will find this one more than agreeable. It is a call to arms in a sense, and I found it inspirational and uplifting…more people should watch it IMO!
Nice summary of elites fighting common people/deplorables/ over last 20 years.
Worth the time Dana.
I had stopped watching him… You may be surprised (I was). This video isn’t standard fare.
Dolan perfectly outlines the “plan” here. The internet was surely a paradigm shift, not that it was a slam dunk. Many think tanks such as xerox parc had previously tried to game the impact of the paperless society and not necessarily come up with metrics that were definitive. My take is that once the Amazon model of online commerce was established, it was then coupled with the data harvesting of social media. A perfect storm of corporatism combined with the accurate modelling of human behaviour was then established. Sadly any technology that could be transformative for good is grabbed and co-opted by the elite to impose a policy of
Correct Shadownet…the online model of commerce based around the predictive human behaviour grown from that data harvesting has been very destructive in terms of freedoms. Shashona Zuboff’s tome, ‘The Age Of Surveillance Capitalism’ lays it all out very accurately.
… Beatthedrum … what shall be done with those “arms”?
That’s a really tough one Scarmoge…obviously, we do what we can as individuals to fight the current oppression as best we can. Some people will reorganize finances a la CAF suggestions, others might build local networks and try to find strength in unity with others. Some might try to just ‘spread the word’ as best they can. I say this is ‘tough’ because wherever you look there are big obstacles…so many in the general population accept the narrative, without question, which is somewhat amazing, but not surprising given the media models that are all embracing for the majority. Anyone trying to get a different message through faces a wall of opposition from otherwise very reasonable people. From afar, I can see this happening in Oz, where so many people that I know to be reasonable blithely accept the creeping fascism that is happening right across tha continent. How does one even BEGIN to have reasonable conversations with them??? Then there are the constraints, real or imagined…in my case for example, I refrain from any public postings on social medai (for the most part anyway) because, as a pensioner living out of the country, I may well be an easy target for any Govt body or individual to ‘attack’ were I to be too vocal. Could I lose my pension were I to be overly vocal? I don’t know, but it is a real possibility. Same with my position here where I live…being visible in the social media space here could well see me deported. So yeah, it’s tough, and I DO feel constrained, though I do what I can in the hope that all the ‘little bits’ contribute to something bigger. And yes Scarmoge, in the end, if things turn really ugly - and that could happen quickly of course - I am prepared to take to the streets and even die for what I believe. Your question is a good one, and I have no ready made answer other than we as individuals do what we can, what we think is right. The pushback is growing from what I can see, but as to whether it will grow big enough fast enough, that is anyone’s guess.
Liberté, égalité, fraternité … wherever you are beatthedrum. Stay safe, be under the radar, and away from the prying Five Eyes.
Interesting isn’t it that we have OPEN lettres de cachet from our Premier / Chairman / President (in the Soviet sense) … a good bet that we have sealed ones as well.
I am a huge fun dr. S. Zuboff! Her lectures and interviews on you tube are a required watch.
JFK/RFK, 9/11, Plandemic, Next? Alien Invasion?
Good video and a sound warning to people to get off social media ASAP - if they haven’t already.
Users of these platforms are the commodities, not the other way around.
Yes, He has done a wonderful job summing up the situation. Here is a tid bit that adds to his conclusion regarding the media. To save time start about 6 min in to 9 min. Lankford Says Bad Policies in Biden's Build Back Broke Will Add to Debt, Hurt Childcare Options - YouTube