RNA for Moderna’s Omicron Booster Manufactured by CIA-Linked Company

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Looks like the underworld is coming for us…and we get to foot the bill. No wonder 87,000 new IRS agents are coming on board.
Vaccine Hesitant, you bet.
Your choice, proof of vaccination or an IRS audit…


Probably anticipate an enlightened public that realize they have no representation w/their taxation. In fact, their taxes are being used to slowly incarcerate and kill them. Why pay? Equals More IRS agents.
Probably have a number of sitcoms adding IRS dialogue of lies showing the TV-side of IRS fantasy land. No doubt, developing a prime time show IRS A Billionaires Nightmare.
A comedy for billionaires and those w/outrageous fortunes.

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Somebody has to keep track of all those social credit scores…right? :wink:


Probably be rebranded as internal social credit agents.


Yeah, they’ll specialize in monitoring internet traffic and social media sites with the “power” to request membership lists to prove income on sites like this one.


“I am speaking with Hedley again about the immense complexity and inadequate quality controls that lead to the gigantic variability of the mRNA products, and sadly lead to millions of severe injuries and deaths. No oversight is happening from any regulator. They are all busy profiting from misery and death.” Discussion with Hedley Rees about manufacturing and supply chain complexity of mRNA products
This woman covers the manufacturing process for each stage and shows the many different companies involved in this fraud.
On another video she shows where Pfizer changes the doses in the vial from 5 to 6 doses but the ingredients and dilution doesn’t change to reflect the extra dose. Its no wonder people are having different side effects. Quality control is ignored.

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Or, your income will be based upon behavior.
Perhaps in the beginning; coupled w/other sources of income.
But the objective is to move towards the Chinese system.
The IRS agents, will morph into some kind of social behavior agents.
W/the power to send suspects to reeducation camps.
Which are tied to transnational factories; where USSA slave labor competes w/Chinese slave labor.