Well royal bees are informed,about queen’s death. And the bees have also been told, in hushed tones, that their new master is now King Charles III.
But i don’t know if royal ants are also informed?
It would be unfair if they aren’t right?
Or for that matter all other queen’s animals like dogs,rodents, reptiles,worms etc.
But i don’t know.Bizarre nevertheless.
Hope they don’t go on strike.
Bet, like the elephants, they already knew.
Hope not.
After all they are her majesty most loyal elephants,and all other animals.
But who knows they might, that is if “nagas” didn’t inform them in proper manner and in right time, using proper channels of information.
The queen bee is dead. Time to start a new colonization…? Here comes the globalists.
Could be true in some extent.
I thought so far that this human queen and beehive queen conection is kind of fictional thing.
Like just in sci-fi films.Like this one:
But now this centuries old royal ritual is resurfacing.
Mythology or not it has it’s own meaning, symbology and message to the masses.
But i dont’t know maybe i’m wrong on this subject.
Bees are only loyal to one queen. Kings and Princes are just drones…
True in some extrent.
But among beekeeprs there is also well known fenomenon of false queen.
That is to say bees cannot tell the difference between a true and false queen.
It’s a charming old tradition. Why make fun of it?
For it’s “charming” and it’s “funny” at the same time.
Being a beekeeper, the bees should bee informed. they always say talk to your bees!
And if I may follow up?
Since I have been a beekeeper for more than 25 years and now also in real time, I think I can say the following from experience:
Bees need to be listened to and not spoken to under any circumstances.
Because we humans can be put in a position to understand their speech, but with a lot of practice, and bees understand our visual and chemical speech as soon as someone access their hive.
So no voice (or any sound in their vicinity), and i mean (the area near or surrounding their particular place,and proximity in space or relationship with humans as a another kind of animal from their perspective) addressing them is unnecessary, because it only disturbs them and nothing more.
Bees already know what needs to be known from their point of view, of what we humans are.