Russell brand exposed as a paedophile, controlled opposition actor-agent & rothschild


Hi catsmeow – pleased to meet you. Alicia

A friend was walking her dogs out in the countryside when she saw a top of the range Landrover stop. A man jumped out, came round to the back, opened the rear door and started punching what, by the sound of the screams, she thought was a child.

It all happened in a flash, but she managed to get the registration number and report what happened to the police. Absolutely nothing happened, she never heard any more though she checked a couple of times, the police did not seem to have a record of her report.

Freemasons get away with murder in the UK. I was told my legal career was in jeopardy before it even started when I tried to bring one to justice. I was so sickened by this, and the subsequent miscarriage of justice, I walked away and became a happy gardener. What good is law without justice?


@undine: This sounds horrific, not only the experience of your friend witnessing the awful sounds of a brutal beating, but also the silence of the police, not to mention your own distressing experience with this kind of thing in your past work.

If you need an antidotal lift, and if you can get your hands on them (finding the translated English version is getting more difficult as they are out of print), I recommend reading Vladimir Megre’s entire Anastasia series (and I mean all of them). This series of books promotes a world in which children and gardens are deeply cherished. A friend recommended the books to us many years ago, and we bought the entire set.

At the time, the esoteric stuff in these books went over our heads, as the (Russian) author makes references to Russian scientists’ work on “UFOs”, pyramids, alternative energy, dolmens, etc., with footnotes. (Which has made me wonder whether a Russian freemason may have had some involvement with the creation of the books…) When we started reading Dr. Farrell’s books, we noticed some of the same scientists’ names popping up throughout Dr. Farrell’s work, and now I’m reading through the Anastasia series again, making much more sense of, and gleaning more insights from, these books than I did during my first read. For me, they’re also a timely read, given their insights into some sophisticated and beautiful aspects of Russian culture which the author would like to see preserved.

Any gardener and person who loves kids might feel inspired by these books, which really, are about a beautiful vision of a peaceful world in which kids and gardens and one’s inner creativity play a central role in healing our world.

Apparently Russell has been using freemasonic hand signals. There has also emerged a clip of him being the MK handler to Katy Perry during their brief marriage. He is holding a pendant with the word
OBEY on it which he periodically showed her and it reset her each time, chilling.


Good to know that others have read Anastasia’s books. It is an uplifting read.

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Thank you for the recommendation, I’ll get them when I’ve read through the pile of books I got since I joined Giza! I’m running out of book shelves :slight_smile:

Oh dear, they seem to be out of print; the ones on eBay are prohibitively expensive.

Do you think he has seen the light and found the courage to break free, or is he still a DS Useful Idiot?

The truth is that I see many people using masonic hand signs but I have to believe many are just aping someone “famous”, like Brand, who were probably masons.

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I think he has ruffled someone’s feathers, but he has form, remember the granddaughter of Andrew Sachs saga. Russell is smarter than he looks and may well be playing a part. Bit coincidental that this story broke at the same time as the passing of the online privacy act and the extension of ULEAZ across London. Nothing like a bit of distraction to keep the masses occupied with complete trivia while the elite get their plans implemented. Never let a good crisis go to waste.


Makes a good point for a fellow disgruntled Brit. Interesting comments section too.

Neru: You’re the only one (besides our friend, who recommended them to us) that has mentioned reading those (obscure) Anastasia books! I’ve never met a single person who has read them.

Even though the Anasasia books may not seem to have anything to do with this thread about Russell Brand (whom we don’t follow, as his “tone” does not resonate with us – and so we’re not following the story closely), I found the Anastasia books to be an antidote to this distressing thing with paedophilia which is in our faces in Canada with this trans movement coralling kids in the schools with all that crazy sex stuff. (When an adult starts talking “sex” stuff with a young child, I lump that under the umbrella of “paedophilia”). I wonder if organized crime is behind it, it is really appalling. Just as an example, a municipal councillor had one month’s pay docked because she had the nerve to call out this stuff, what’s going on in the schools. Here’s a short interview where she describes what happened to her: Derek Sloan speaks with Lisa and Michael Alexander

I love how the Anastasia books handle the topic of kids (just the opposite of how kids are being treated in the school system), how precious they are, how important it is to immerse them in nature, how important it is to nurture them and keep them away from TVs and the official school system.

As for Russell being a paedophile – I find myself being less immediately trusting than I once was with “breaking” news stories, if I don’t have time to dig into something. I’d have no trouble believing it if there were solid evidence; on the other hand, I’d also have no trouble believing that the story may have been a set up and ruse to shut him up. I imagine that some of his followers will get to the bottom of the story.

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Classic way to discredit anyone try to frame them for something with false evidence.

Don’t know much about Russell tried watching some of his videos once but couldn’t handle the farting crow that was horrible.


I want to read that bill, in order to understand the real implications. Do you know where i have to go to read the full script of th law?

You know the Dutch, they like obscure. All the Anastasia books are translated into Dutch and the Frisians took in CAF!


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thank you my friend!

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I think this is true, like Jay-Z wearing a T-shirt with “Do As Thou Wilt,” on it (Aleister Crowley). He probably doesn’t have the 1st clue that Crowley died in a nursing home for addicts (or that’s what I was told) - just the exciting idea that he has permission to do as he likes as his “religion”. Which as a celebrity, he was probably going to do anyway.

That certainly narrows down the possibilities!