Russia Issues Urgent Warning to Europe: ‘A Radioactive Cloud Is Heading Your

I thought this might help to warn others since the subverted mainstream news cycle won’t admit to it and Russian news is censored many places. The question of providing depleted uranium munitions to Ukraine by the UK as a very bad idea was proposed quietly before. Now we see the effect and have to ask if this is what their objective was all along, in a war against Europeans masked behind claims on innocence based on incompetence or stupidity (“plausible deniability.”) They usually get someone to be the scapegoat if pressed on the current issue that hides the premeditated malfeasance. Might the UK be held accountable in an international court that is not corrupted by the hidden hand that holds the cards?

The use of depleted uranium in munitions is a war crime and has left Iraq with many unanswered questions, not the least of which is the effect on US soldiers, beyond the devastation to all the innocents and culture of the Middle East. “The Gulf War Syndrome” of US soldiers shows that both sides of the conflict are the target as they are directed into wars by a third hidden party behind the politicians.


sadly, it is not one. sadly.
but let me ask u something: when did the UK ever bother itself with ‘war crimes’ in the middle of fomenting another war?
yep, it was a poetic.


Like the Chernobyl disaster _disaster wich was a nuclear accident that occurred on 26 April 1986.I don’t think so. Just fеаrmongering.Although effective, referring to or taking the real one as a basis the real disaster in 1986. Old school of propaganda, and still effective and impressive on certain minds.In my opinon anyway.Maybe i am wrong though.

Depleted uranium found in armour-piercing shells and tank armour can have serious after effects and hinder clean-up efforts, according to UNEP. Once weapons hit the ground, they often remain buried so uranium takes decades to dissolve into the soil. In mammals, that uranium toxicity can impact brain development, behaviour and kidney function. In addition to radioactive properties, soluble compounds of depleted uranium also become concentrated in the kidneys when ingested in food and drink. One of the most intense forms of exposure can occur after a war has ended, when children play on old army vehicles and tanks, ingest or inhale contaminated dust from explosions or workers deal with the metal at scrap yards. Depleted uranium can be transferred to the unborn foetus via the placenta and an in-depth study of more than 8,500 pregnant women in China associated exposure to a higher risk of preterm birth.