Russian lab touts MRNA cancer vaccine by end of year

Lest anyone doubt that the ‘East’ isn’t onboard with globalonyism and transhumanism…We’ll all be cured of the cancer by the same control structures that gave us the cancer!..They’ve got to get that MRNA in us somehow!

The new drug is a therapeutic vaccine designed to be administered to those ALREADY diagnosed with cancer. So, what else do they have to look forward to other than a slow, excruciating death after numerous surgeries and bankruptcy. Have you ever had to endure the people you love die of cancer?

Sadly Nidster, I have. An experience I would wish for no one. I’m more concerned though with the quest for the elusive vaccine.

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“…the Gamaleya vaccine will be tailor-made for each patient and developed with the help of artificial intelligence.”
Primed for culling, transformed into slave property to be culled later, or both? I’m surprised nobody is exclaiming “win, win situation”. :upside_down_face:

So have I, and it is heartbreaking of course. They also went through surgeries, treatments, etc. They still passed over. Death is a part of Life.

Death is a part of Life that’s been made into a profit center and social engineering tool.


I meant by some, but does it include all? Very difficult to get 100% agreement to the idea. My prediction is there will be some pushback. How much good it will do is the question, and how soon it will be is anyone’s guess. Probably beyond my lifespan, but then I am already old. I have not been ill since 1995, so no need to consult any doctors. Hopefully I can remain healthy a few more years.