Russian owned search engine

Check this out folks:


sorry to disappoint Dr. Farrell, but this search engine failed my first test search. it spat out the same misdirecting results on its first page, by completely ignoring the order of words I typed in (inverting my search term), just like all the other engines.

Which engines do you like? I’ve been using and

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I found, a quick search for controversial persons, not events!, is the best way to test a search engine.
Don’t get me wrong, I understand what a search engine is and if I owned a national or multinational business I would commission programmers to create one for me, just to make sure that people see what I want them to see.

Good idea. I wonder if we could use the AI released by Mike Adams over at to do a search engine. His tech group added to the original training with additional training on info the originator’s ignored. I’m going to be playing around with it here shortly.


I added Yandex a couple of months ago. Getting better results for heavily censored topics.

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Oh I’m not disappointed… I was just tossing it out there more as an observation that search engines themselves are now going to be a contest between the west and the BRICS folks.

I actually don’t use search engines to often, only when I am no sure about the format, text, video or audio. Mostly, I go to sites or channels I trust and search there. I have bookmarked them by category. alternative, news, videos, audio or text. I stole the idea to organize my bookmarks from the new Giza forum layout.
I have learned so much from the Giza community, I am a little bit ashamed I can’t make more $ support.

I did some searches. Interesting results. First, none of the increasingly prevalent AI generated milk toast articles, second no advertisements. Many more international hits than the other 3 I use, not just domestic US. It may have limitations, but definitely some benefits too. Forwarded it to friends.

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