Secret Service Director’s BIO

Couldn’t find much in Wickedpedia but found this article in her hometown newspaper in Danville IL which is a rust belt crumbling small town. Notice she was there to help Cheney during 911….and “other dignitaries” later.

The first step in another Warren Commission?

“The roof in question was far less sloped than the one behind the rally stage, where Secret Service counter-snipers were positioned.”

Oh gees. Another lone gunman with a german rifle story… this one with an AR on a sloped roof. No BLEEPING way this nutcase acted alone. This guy worked in a retirement home and had bomb material and a remote activator ON him? Right.

Maybe we will be closer to the truth in 61 years.


I’ve been wondering about the ‘bomb making material’ story. I suspect it is something called Tannerite. I don’t know a lot about it except that it is a two component powder that’s inert until mixed together and then becomes explosive (not sure it would be considered a ‘high explosive’)…but detonating it is not easy. Has to be impacted with a bullet faster than 2,000 FPS (which his AR-15 was capable of doing). He would have had to shoot a container of it with his rifle from a distance away to make a boom. Perhaps there are underground methods of using a remote detonator to set it off (Crook reportedly had one) IDK. Often thought of as akin to fireworks in the gun owner community. Not practically used as an explosive in industry. Owning/mixing the two parts together are considered ‘private manufacture of explosives not for commercial use’ and are completely legal. Reality is, it’s a chemical toy with no practical tactical use. As we know the ‘agencies’ tend to exaggerate to raise fears in the public, I suspect his explosive materials were legally owned Tannerite. Lots of info on it on the 'net.

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If one lives with their mom, doesn’t have to pay any living expenses, working at any job makes for a lot of expendable income. But yeah, he was assisted in many ways. Now there’s so much information flowing hard to tell the wheat from the chaff.

The manure from the hay… hard to differentiate, for sure

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