I am opening this thread with the intention and hope of posting book titles and their authors, preferably rare forgotten dusty books on dusty shelfs, but containing some essential knowledge, information, etc. As for me, I am tempted wich one to read first from these below.Тhe first one still wrapped in cellophane. Unopened.The title of the book in translation is: “Greek Magical Papyri”, with the subtitle “Magical Texts Found on Papyri”(PGM i.e. PAPYRI GRAECAE MAGICAE 1-to-6.) Book 1.Author Daniela Tosheva.
I have read this one 4 or 5 times. Difficult to read, full of mathematical and physical considerations and formulas and equations. Similar to Dr. JPF’s books.But i feel compelled to read it again.It has that same eerie feeling that i get when I watch the movie “Bladerunner”.