Introduction and References of first report (DocumentCloud)
Rebuilding Interior Columbia Basin Salmon and Steelhead
Regional Fishery Co-manager Review Draft
v2.5 July 11, 2022
Rebuilding salmon and steelhead stocks in the Columbia River Basin to levels that are healthy and harvestable requires careful consideration of the science that informs rebuilding strategies and actions. This document1 provides a high-level response to eight common questions about the science2 surrounding Columbia River basin salmon and steelhead rebuilding efforts. The questions and responses are meant to inform the broader discussion around the socio-economic factors and resources necessary to help these species recover.
The scope of this analysis includes the clusters of populations, or stocks, of natural-origin Pacific salmon and steelhead originating above Bonneville Dam (i.e., in the interior Columbia River basin), as well as their life-cycle needs associated with freshwater, estuary, and marine habitats (Figure 1).
(A) (B)
Figure 1. Maps of the Columbia River basin. (A) shows areas a) currently occupied by anadromous salmon and steelhead (light green), b) historically used
by anadromous fish but currently inaccessible due to dams blocking fish passage (dark green), and
c) historically inaccessible due to natural migration barriers (light blue). (B) shows regional areas associated with stock delineations in this report (modified from NMFS 2020).
These stocks are critically important to Columbia River basin tribes, as well as to the economy and overall ecological health of the region. Despite their undisputed value, they have been negatively affected by extensive anthropogenic activity—in particular, the dams and reservoirs that form the Columbia River
1 This draft report was prepared by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, with input from and support of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and input from scientists and fishery managers from the Nez Perce Tribe and State of Oregon. The draft will be circulated to state and Tribal co-managers for input before being finalized. Whenever possible, responses are informed by NMFS (2020), Phase 2 Report of the Columbia Basin Partnership Task Force of the Marine Fisheries Advisory Committee.
2 Does not consider socioeconomic or political science.
System3 (CRS; NAS 1996). The CRS has been the subject of decades of litigation regarding the effects on salmon and steelhead and modifications to their stream, river, floodplain, and estuary habitats. In addition, and as identified in the ESA Recovery Plans (NOAA 2017, UCSRB & NMFS 2007) as factors for listing and key areas of concern for recovery actions, historic and ongoing degradation of stream, river, floodplain, and estuary habitats severely limit the biological potential of all interior Columbia River basin stocks.
The goals of this analysis are to inform achieving the mid-range Columbia Basin Partnership (CBP)4
Task Force’s naturally produced adult salmon and steelhead abundance goals by 2050, and, by 2030, the Northwest Power and Conservation Council’s (NPCC 2020) productivity goals, as measured by smolt-to- adult return rates (SARs). These goals are commonly understood and referenced by fish managers and the public because of the transparent public processes used to establish them; they are reasonable quantitative targets that we embrace for the purposes of this analysis. Mid-range abundance goals exceed ESA recovery thresholds for abundance, and represent progress toward healthy and harvestable status of these stocks (NMFS 2020). The CBP low-, mid-, and high-range quantitative goals are all substantially greater than the ESA Section 7(a)(2) conservation standard of not likely jeopardizing the continued existence of listed species that is applied to federal agency actions in ESA Section 7(a)(2) consultations.
Achieving these fish-related goals would also provide the highest certainty for meeting multiple objectives that address tribal inequities, securing a pathway to harvestable abundance levels, and meeting ESA needs in the face of climate change (Figure 2).
Figure 2.
Conceptual abundance continuum of salmon and steelhead, aggregated across the 16 stocks (ESA listed and non- listed) upstream
of Bonneville
dam, relative to management thresholds and goals. Mid-range goals exceed ESA recovery abundance thresholds and represent progress toward high-range goals associated with healthy and harvestable status (NMFS 2020).
3 Fourteen federally owned and operated hydroelectric dams (projects) on the Columbia and Snake rivers, including: Libby, Hungry Horse, Albeni Falls, Grand Coulee, Chief Joseph, Dworshak, Lower Granite, Little Goose, Lower Monumental, Ice Harbor, McNary, John Day, The Dalles, and Bonneville.
4 NOAA Fisheries and its Marine Fisheries Advisory Committee (MAFAC) convened the CBP Task Force in 2017, bringing together diverse representatives from across the Columbia River basin to a) establish a common vision and goals for the basin and its salmon and steelhead (NMFS 2020), and b) establish urgency to achieve the agreed-upon high-range goals.
The criteria for species and area priorities include: 1) level of extinction risk, 2) current spatial structure and diversity, 3) importance to tribal communities, 4) habitats essential for life-cycle needs, and 5) resilience of habitat to climate change. Although they in no way reduce the importance of all extant and extirpated Columbia Basin native salmon and steelhead, the criteria allow for a broad-level analysis that helps provide a draft context for sequencing and prioritizing multifaceted, long-term, and complex rebuilding actions.
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