So much talking about Orthodoxy here...But?

So much talking about Orthodoxy here. So many analyses, theses, hypotheses and syntheses about that way of the faith. And yet there is no congratulation on any of the strong days in Orthodoxy. Not a single congratulation. Nowhere. At least not so far. For example, yesterday was a strong day according to Orthodoxy, Archangel’s Day, of Archangel Michael.
"A true man values not what he wants and dreams of but what he has and who he shares it with… "

or before on 08.11.2023 the day of Holy Great Martyr Demetrius of Thessalonica.
Strange isn’t it? :man_shrugging:

And yes we had our governing angel,but he left us…for some reason to early…The Orthodox to the core he was.Infact.

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Di, Thank you so much for sharing your iconic pictures and music. I put links in this thread to a couple of my entries on Holy Poems and Wisdom.

I share with you this painting by Tobias Veerhaecht,1598, along with a short teaching on its subject: St. John the Revelator.

Love in Jesus,

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It might be that on this forum there are people of the Orthodox persuasion, but this is a forum where many things are discussed, it is not a pulpit for any persuasion! We are not here vying between creationism vs evolution, although I get the idea some are on their soapbox doing just that and not taking no for an answer and effectively are preaching!


I don’t have background in Orthodox tradition, have been going to church services at a Calvary chapel this year that is definitely not an Orthodox church. There is a Catholic church in my town but I’m not sure if they would be considered orthodox either.


Check out Joseph Atwill’s book, “Caesar’s Messiah” for another ‘take’ on the religious view we have been subjected to for over 2,000 years! :wink:

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I will make this but this only and one time exeption me breaking my oath or given word for you only @Morrisville. I will comment something about Orthodoxy (wich is not a religion by the way,nor theology),and from it.But later.For i have to reform my thoughts.Please stand by…

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