For some time now I’ve been noticing a trend in the vidchats on this website, as more and more members are wondering what I mean when I keep saying “the fulfillment is the deception.” I’ve also noticed a similar uptick interest in this topic from general readers of this website’s public blogs. As I’ve already…
You don’t only explain it in vidchats miriad of times, you ouze it out every pore of your body right into the aether doc. It might please God, but propably not so much the old gods.
They seem to have carved there way back into this world, hence I now live with a few others in bizarroworld! Not to say I have no quirks of my own still to conquer, I am a westener after all. But not for you, I would not have had an “inkling” where to begin the search.
“They were not interested in saying something new and original, they were interested in saying something old, perhaps in news ways, but the substance was unchanging.”
If a picture is worth a thousand words, this sentence alone has to be worth at least a thousand pictures.
“the Eucatastrophe is all that, but, just at the last minute, all that “badness” explodes from within, from its own overwhelming putridness of badness, as it simply cannot get any worse, and just dies of its own dead weight.”
This actually gives me a little ‘hope’ without hurting my brain.
Both of the statements above are “ding ding ding” moments for me.
Thank you for that Dr Farrell, and I look forward to your upcoming writings on the eschatology C.S. Lewis.
I look forward to this. Thanks, Joseph.
This is super ironic cuz my sister who is the least spiritual and most ‘Liberal’ progressive person or at least one who allows follows the Programme, that I know, shared this series of videos today from Hillsdale College (a small, Christian, classical liberal arts college in southern Michigan ) I had never heard of.
Thank you for requesting Hillsdale College’s video series, “The Inklings.”
Filmed on the Hillsdale campus, the series examines the philosophical, theological, and literary ideas that bound the Inklings, their understanding of the relationship of myth and reality, and the continuing importance of their thought and writings today.
Below are links to each of the five videos in the series:
Great topic, Sir, can`t wait for your insights.
GANDALF: End? No, the journey doesn’t end here. Death is just another path, one that we all must take. The grey rain-curtain of this world rolls back, and all turns to silver glass, and then you see it.
All things work together for good to those that love the Lord to them who are called according to his purpose.
Sure needed to be reminded of that these days.
I need to read CS Lewis. To me the one thing that cannot be faked is the philosopher’s gold you either can actually produce it or you can do what Schwab and WEF are doing: wear space pyjamas and pretend you’re qualified to guide mankind. Of course they’re not, so it is not a surprise to see them crashing and burning.