Originally published at:

“A post-Christian man is not a Pagan; you might as well think that a married woman recovers her virginity by divoirce. The post-Christian is cut off from the Christian past and therefore doubly from the Pagan past.” C.S. Lewis, 1954 Inaugural Lecture as Chair of Mediaeval and Renaissance Literature, Cambridge University   As we come to…


When comparing what Lewis wrote to how the world is happening today, the dot connecting is almost unbelievable. The definition of “men without chests” fits so many politicians, their handlers, and their underlings is uncanny…but not limited to just the political/bureaucratic arena. These “men without chests” have infiltrated all realms of society both past and present. Keep it coming Dr Farrell.


C.S Lewis has some interesting things to say about the scientist. There is no god or evil, there is being in sync with the cosmos/god or being out of sync.

We are all out of sync and fallen to one degree or another. We have to recover the knowledge both intellectual and spiritual. What distinguishes the alchemist from the scientist.

Transcending duality is the ultimate goal of the age of piscies. But to do it correctly requires both inner and outer work.

I suppose this is where Mr global has taken the wrong direction. Its like a heretical split from the original creed of the alchemists. Merging opposites like they are doing (transgenderism is an example) is a crass and dumb way to interpret transcending duality.

The control grid is another example of stupidity. Guiding mankind is like guiding an orchestra, helping things integrate seamlessly via a system that allows that. Not micromanagement.

Its no wonder Mr Global has not produced the philosopher stone yet. He isn’t t as clever as he thinks he is.


I would put AGI in that category as well. True AGI has to be an analog computer that pulses to same tune god is pulsing the material prima with. That’s the philosopher stone.

The other camp (Musk, tech bros) are not as foolish as the one Russia and China just jointly crushed, but they’re still not there yet. You wont make the philosopher stone in a server farm!

But I still see them as a sort of improvement however. We avoided the worst timeline imo.


I would not forget the butterfly effect. If you are referring to Europe as the crushed party, it could sink the whole world. If Atlantis is a model to anything, all parties lost and had to start anew, apparantly to be foolish again but that’s another story that isn’t finished.


Not Europe. The faction of wannabe “Brahmen” who also cross into the Atlantic. Europe will rise again once they take the humble pill and allow for a smarter generation of leaders to rise.

Atlantis was physically destroyed with it population, thank god we are not in that situation. I’m Swiss/French so I would not be typing this.


Glad you are optimistic, I reside in Belgium and hope your right!


Of Europe I think France has immense potential. The re-birth of Europe into greatness will probably start from there.

Its has lots of natural ressources in overseas official territory, its nuclear waste can be re-purposed for building future generation of superconducting materials. Most importantly it has some very unconventional but brillant thinkers that are suppressed right now. Good relation with China. And a history as the Church elder daughter.

They just need to get bad leadership out of the way

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Thanks you made my day a little brighter because I wasn’t that optimistic about Europe. I hope lots of uncovential thinkers reside in Europe, we need them!


That’s where faith comes according to St. Paul words:
“…faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen”
As Christian we cannot despair since it is against The Holy Spirit.
And as Benedict XVI writes in introduction to Fides et Ratio, if we want to fly like doves we need both wings: Faith and Reason.


Not sure if you have stumbled upon DR. Farrells theory (I believe Dr. Dehart’s theory originally) that St. Paul is actually Flaveus Josephus


Thomas Vaughan along with Thomas Henshaw and Robert Child formed a Chemical Club in the 1650s in England. It is thought that Chuck Palahniuk copied many aspects of their Chemical Club in his novel Fight Club. Many of the “Rules” of Fight Club closely resemble those of the Chemical Club (e.g. You do not talk about Chemical Club, You do NOT talk about Chemical Club and so on) It is even hinted at in Vaughn’s correspondence that they produced soaps with the words “Chem Club” on them. - The names are real the Fight Club / Chem club stuff not so much. Although the “Chemistry Club” part is true as is the rest below.

He (Vaughn) is also quoted as saying that he had “long sought and long missed… the Philosopher’s Stone”.
Vaughn also produced a work titled Anthroposophia Theomagica. One wonders if Steiner had read Vaughn. Maybe Steiner was also in search of the Philosopher’s Stone. If so, one might have to tweak the R (Received - one version of the “R” on Steiner would be that of Dark Journalist) version / view of Steiner.

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Padre Fernández, the Priest in the Roman Church where I live, said the other day that for centuries Christianity evangelized millions of pagans, but that the church never dealt with it’s own apostasy. I don’t think he was referring to the current current crop of “men without chests” in the Vatican. I think Padre Fernández crossed the Rubicon and was thinking about the schism in 1054. He says that he feels “positive envy” towards the Eastern Church for maintaining their ritual and theology. Although he thinks some of the rituals last too long.

…ha! There is in Orthodoxy something known as the “Typikon,” which is essentially a loose codification of how the services are to be held. As I recall, the late Fr. Alexander Schmemann, an Orthodox priest and professor at St. Vladimir’s Seminary n New YOrk (I was there during his last semester teaching), said once that some time in the late 19th or early 20th centuries the Russian church performed an experiment on the typikon, trying to celebrate the daily services according to it. They discovered that if they did so, the “daily” cycle actually lasted about a day and a half! Ha! So yes, I would agree, there is a line that has to be drawn somewhere. My own preference has always been for a western rite Orthodoxy that attempts to put the fulness of the eastern propers into western forms… but that’s another topic for another day.


… “evangelized” millions of Pagans … slightly euphemistic, but OK.

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France will only realise it’s potential when it stops unfettered open borders like Germany recently did .

France is not doing open borders. It only appears like that.
If politicians can lock people in their places of a fake scamdemic, they can easily deport the migrants.
This is the stupid interpretation of “transcending duality” our self appointed Brahmen think they are doing. Its the same as the transgenderism stuff. Plus the need for cheap labor and to dispossess native French of their property and transfer it to BlackRock.

Everything is calculated here. Schwab articulated the vision well I believe.

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I’ve been to Paris last summer and i’ve seen one of those places that were called no go zones, completly emptied out of its migrant population just before the Paris olympics.

Elites used drove them out through economic tools. Its now a gentrified place. With “artistic deco” costing millions.

If the elites tell you they can’t do X, Y, or Z policy they are lying.


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Sounds like one of Tavistock’s many goals. Upset the culture cart.