You may be wondering why such a bizarre blog headline should be accompanying a blog posted under the heading of “Giza and Archaeology”. K.M. shared this story, and in and of itself it’s one of those potential “whopper doozies”, but I have a high octane speculation to extend that “whopperdoozieness” into another one of my…
That proverbial crystal ball…
is looking more & more …
The recovered “science” of fortunes…
might be over the horizon…
Fortunes, in as many connotations and/or permutations…
as you can imagine,
As imagination; itself, may be a reflection of your personal crystals…
And that DNA, maybe receiving and sending information that…
moves into - literally, next generations mutations.
[You don’t need a crystal ball to see…
that this “natural” form of “change”…
isn’t the small change - that machines spit out…
as transhumanism]
Piezoelectrically doped “poly ceramics” … don’t we have some Eukr’s on the planet that fit this description? And, therefore the natural question might be: what is stored in the geopolymer “polyceramics” used to construct the megaliths around the planet. Are they merely enormous physical barriers to garrison civilization for various reasons, or, are they storehouses of the planetary memory?
And let us not forget that holographic storage mediums were being worked on decades ago, where is that technology now?
I suspect some of these exotic storage techniques overlap with the carbon or crystalline medium as a catalyst for branching layers of ‘virtual’ storage cells.
Cool !! That’s what great with holographic memory. But living beings are still the best holographic construct that exist. Apart of course from the universe itself.
Reminds me of the Superman movie with Gene Hackman visiting the crystals