Speaking of lists ... Possible new category?

It might be helpful to have a “category” titled “Memory Hole Memories”. A site already exists see https://wayback.archive-it.org/924/20100423161050/http://www.thememoryhole.org/about/

This category here of course would be on a smaller scale and be specific to the interests of GDS.

For example …

It is forgotten that Mike McCurry (Clinton’s Press Secretary) refused a request to clarify one of Clinton’s statements and had to be reminded that it was actually his job to do so.

… Until Psaki’s response to the question concerning an apology I had thought that that McCurry ranked first in the “Incredibly Bad Press Secretary” (think Bad Conceptual Playhouse and Leonard Pinth-Garnell here) category. These so called “pressers” really are nothing more than Bad Conceptual Playhouse scenes on steroids. At least at the end of the scene Leonard Pinth-Garnell declared the correct judgement, “There, now, that wasn’t so good, was it?”

Just an idea for a category … and Giza Merch – GDS Trivial Pursuit where the questions are Memory Hole Facts – Example Question: Who Killed President John F. Kennedy? Answer: A coalition of interests.


Great idea, but I don’t get a great feeling about the site. IMO, with most of the stuff on line, it’s best to exercise caution and choose very wisely.
On line or off, with rampant controlled opposition, trolls and plants, surveillance, data collecting, and more, sorry, but for the time being, I’ll pass.

… the vote is in! … no memory … Good enough.

Ding! Ding! That my friend is a fantastic idea! Very interesting stuff here that I never knew!

2 seconds on that site look at this little tid bit! Pfizer’s Chemical/Biological Weapons Report

“Research on New Chemical Incapacitating Agents. Part 1.” By Chas. Pfizer and Co., Inc., under contract to the Army’s Chemical Research and Development Laboratories, 30 June 1964

Click here to download the report
(PDF format 65 pages 2.2 meg)

Right-click to save the file to your hard drive Mac users: Control-click to save

Back when the US had an openly acknowledged, offensive chemical-biological-radiological weapons program (as opposed to the secret, illegal one it has now), many pharmaceutical and chemical corporations developed these weapons for the military. Among them was drug giant Pfizer, whose better-known products include Viagra, Zoloft, Rogaine, and Rolaids.

In this 1964 report, the company (then called Chas. Pfizer & Co., Inc.) discusses its first year of research under its contract to create incapacitating agents, which produce tremors, dysphoria, confusion, muscle fatigue, pain, vomiting, diarrhea, difficulty breathing or swallowing, hypersensitive skin, dangerously low blood pressure, and/or - most intriguingly - retrograde amnesia. Despite the absence of the word biological from the report’s title, Pfizer also discusses its work with microbes in addition to chemicals.

The report was declassified on 16 April 2001, although it doesn’t appear to have made it to the general public until now. After seeing it listed in a bibliography I requested from the Defense Technical Information Center, I filed a FOIA request for it.
From pages 45-6 of the report: "Retrograde amnesia has been considered as a novel type of incapacitation that a drug may produce and was, therefore, included as a part of our research program.

Retrograde amnesia is the disruption of acquired information by a subsequent stimulus, usually traumatic. It may be produced in men by concussion, brain damage, acute cerebral anoxia, severe hypothermia and electroconvulsive shock.

The following considerations indicate that a chemical agent capable of inducing retrograde amnesia might be developed." [Approximately 17 lines of redaction follow.]

From page 56: "It is evident from the examples specified above that it is feasible to discover new incapacitating agents from microbial sources. In this regard, Chas. Pfizer & Co., Inc., is in a particularly advantageous position because of its vast background and experience in fermentation research.

The program will proceed initially along three lines. Firstly, some of the toxic compounds of microbiological origin, which are already available from the J.L. Smith Memorial for Cancer Research at Maywood, New Jersey, will be screened. Secondly, a number of substances of microbiological origin selected from the literature will be produced in our laboratories for similar evaluation. Lastly, those microbial cultures from Maywood known to produce especially toxic broths will undergo further scrutiny."
Some substances tested: thymol ethers, substituted 2-aminoimidazolines, quinazolones, dimethylhistamine, N-Nitrosopiperazine, amphetamines, pentobarbital sodium, Ditran, neostigmine, mescaline, carbochol, caffeine, nicotine, strychnine, LSD, psilocin, 5-HTP.

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posted 20 June 2006
site and original text copyright 2002-6 Russ Kick