Starts Off With A Dream List - Then Proceeds To The Real Fight: The Current Evil Order


Paul Craig Robert’s dream is a good scenario about what Trump is going to do or could do after being sworn in. And of course, there will be an uphill struggle with many media outlets questioning his every move. My thoughts are most people are not really interested in what the legacy press has to say. They are an ‘echo chamber’ of negativity, and their viewers rating will begin to fall if they become too aggressive against his administration.

Top of the list of actions he can take to throw them off their game is pardon himself, then release all the JFK files, and probably other subjects that we may not even know that much about.

He may not wait on Congress to get some of his ‘picks’ appointed to the various agencies, because he already must have a long list of folks to ‘fire’, especially in the armed forces, and intel agencies. So, he could get started by simply firing a bunch of people until he is left with some good people to take charge. Then allow Congress to help with the permanent appointees.

J D Vance has an interesting resume. He will become very active, as will several other good people. Trump has also had plenty of time to devise a set of plans to deal with the ‘nightmare’ that awaits him.


In my opinion, we owe a Hat Tip to the Q Movement…it woke up a lot of people who would never have started questioning anything without that prompting!! Each of us has played, in our own small way, a part in this Great Awakening!! :boom: :innocent:
This Train Wreck won’t be cleaned up in a day…but one has to start somewhere!!

Pretty sure the cleanup has started and proceeding quickly. Those Hollywood houses were likely a visible clue.


Either way.
Self-cleansing[removing evidence]
and/or, purposely burning-out the parasites.

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