Still not sure what we are doing ... The Russians showed us how to build a wall starting in 1961

Compare and Contrast …

If you’re going to build a wall, build a wall, if you’re going to build something and call it a wall but it does not look like a wall or function as a wall you might as well forget it. Just think the wall expenditures could be used for Panem et Circenses … the sheeple would like that. Everything else is superficial why shouldn’t the wall be also?

Border Wall Construction Resumes As DHS Starts Filling Gaps | ZeroHedge


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From a little further back in history: Hadrian’s wall and Antonine Wall. More ‘bread and circuses’?


From the ZeroHedge article: "Filling existing gaps with concrete-and-steel wall sections is the first of several measures by the Trump administration to beef up border security - including the deployment of more border guards, as well as a scramble to [place military units."("Just The Beginning": Trump Plans 10,000 Troops On Border To Restore National Security | ZeroHedge) from across the country at the southern border.

The type of ‘wall’ appears to be an enhanced barrier for strategic locations, and other ‘walls’ will be built that are less complex. Wonder what type of bases will be built to house and support the military? Will most likely lead to more communities springing up to serve all the troops. Bars, restaurants, and strip-clubs are coming too.


What about all the tunnels UNDER the walls?! :rofl:


Some tunnels were dug from the Mexican side over into the American side. Lots of info on that if you were listening to good sources of information. Lots of good intel on that had been and reported many years ago. Anyone with any ability to research these facts could discover that digging tunnels from Mexico into America has been ongoing for several decades.


Right on!!! There has been a “free hand” for so many years!! :wink:

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… there was an article about tunnels in Mass Deportations … I made a suggestion there concerning them.


Heck one only has to watch hollyweird movies, “Sicario” has tunnel battle sequence’s. There are more they go further back. This is one of the more recent, and highly recommended for suspense, very well done, and acted. All the Ego’s encountered in this movie are fun representation’s of those types of forces, Texas Rangers, DEA, CIA, and DELTA. You could probably find a few individuals in each of the varying different branches who fit those characters to a “T.”

Benicio Del Toro, knocks it out of the park for a grand slam home run as far as his acting performance goes on this one.


Whatever became of Musk’s tunnel boring company?


Not much success other than raising money.

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Thanks for the recco! Villeneuve is a good director. Enemy, and Arrival are both great.

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I do enjoy Arrival as a heady drama! I’ll check out enemy. Thanks

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I mean D.U.M.B.'s need to be connected?

The German who designed the really high speed underground train between the two coasts is mentioned in Dr… Sean D. Morton’s book series, “Sands of Time”! I believe the name was Dorsch? :thinking: About 2hrs, 30 min. D.C. to LA.

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Was talking about this book in another forum (Deny Ignorance)
I highly recommend giving a read to Dr Richard Sauder’s ‘Hidden in Plain Site’ book about D.U.M.B.S

gratuitous link


When Elon is talking about he could build underground vacuum sealed transport systems, is he giving away the farm here?


I wouldn’t be surprised.
He is a loose cannon/rich person/I can do what I want , type.

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Not sure what you mean by “giving away the farm”?! I have been wondering how they will finally allow us Normies to catch up to what has been going on for decades in the Black World?!! :thinking: The vacuum sealed tubes are just one of many inventions we are not aware of!! :rofl:

I just meant is he giving away the secret? “giving away the farm” = divulging sensitive info about the tunnels.

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… now that I’ve thought awhile … we should get those responsible for the security at Area 51 to design security for the border. The security sure seems pretty tight around Area 51.

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