We have been lied to about everything since birth! Why would we think they have not lied to us on the Religious Front??? Check out Hebrew Scholar, Mauro Biglino’s book, “Gods of The Bible”. He demonstrates that the “God” of The Old Testament is NOT the Creator of All. We forgot to ask where The Bible came from, who put it together & with what agenda! It has been used as a control mechanism over humanity for centuries. I can say that after 70 yrs of being within the Biblical Mindset!


@Morrisville Thank you for suggesting an alternative explanation for our experience here on earth. I agree about the lying and deception that is rampant around us; both in the church and nearly every institution. I read the overview just now though and will likely not read it as I do not agree with the premise.

Either of us could be right about this or neither of us could be right, but both of us cannot be right. In a public forum like this, we will of course encounter a plethora of religious beliefs. We all have working minds with which to acquire information then meditate upon, and derive conclusions, from. If I had more time, I would welcome a conversation on this topic, much like sitting on the front porch with a neighbor; however, my schedule permits few such visits.


Keep praying; I also read Ps 94 aloud daily. The effectual prayer of the righteous avails much.

2 Corinthians 10:4

For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds


I was nowhere near surprised when I learnt that there are plans in place to make Hawaii into a 15 minute city-like island.
And what was needed for that to go through was get hold of the exact same land that now are burnt to the ground.
Hawaii’ans have come out and told they have been begged to sell their land for years and that the people of Hawaii made a thing out of holding out on not selling.

More freak coincidences:

  • In January 23 there was a smart city conference planning out Hawaii as the first smart city island.
  • In the upcoming septemper there is planned a conference on making Hawaii the first AI governed state.
    -A Dr Stone released a book on the fires on Hawaii, before they were put out.
    Talk about effective writing.
  • Chief of police ;John Pelletier was incident commander on the Las Vegas shootings.
    Doesn’t have to mean anything, but yes; noticed.

And the locals noticed they are not as worthy, as the Ukraine, of emergency aid.
12 million $ vs 200 billion $ if the numbers I saw was correct.
Now it seems there is alot of money coming after all if the latest news is correct.
The mayor saying a “bomb fire” went off, that things are weird and that a " totally new Lahaina will have to be built."
Build back better comes to mind.

The local police had to tell people who had made a camp for emergency help/ aid for people who had lost everything, to shut it down,as they had orders from people not even on the ground.
No one is allowed to dock in Lahaina.
Vagabond been on the case with a couple of good streams.

Oprah snatching up massive parts of land also seems a bit fishy when you see all of her land is untouched by the fires all together,having bought land for over 6m$ just this year, having over a 1000 acres to her name.


Thanks, sharick! What Mauro presents is a more correct translation of key words in the Hebrew which give us a completely different view of what the Old Testament Stories are about. The Bible has been put on a pedestal for centuries so it does seem like we should want a correct translation to truly understand its message. I am no longer into Belief Systems as mine failed me so completely! All The Best to you!! :wink:


I have found much to be of use in “The Compendium of The Emerald Tablets” put out by Billy Carson of 4biddenknowledge. Thoth tells us of his own Personal Journey & gives us a wider view of all that the Universe entails & how we can explore it!

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Perhaps this if not photoshopped??? Stephen Mathew on Reels | Stephen Mathew · Original audio

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Disgusting doesnt describe it…Soros-like behaviour in Nazi Germany.

I have no way of knowing if it’s photoshopped or not but sure. Just hit a couple of strategic places and let the wind do the rest. Sick…


The first paragraph says it all…


Here are some pix to firm up the trail here:


Note that the tree burning from the ground up is interesting. We saw that before, Commiefornia. I say interesting, to wit, because snarky Nick Tesla said that he would turn the apparatus of the earth upside down and use the ground as the positive, meaning the energy is forced upwards…. That may be why also nothing was seen as of yet.


Iron has a melting point of 2600°F. Structure fires up to 1500-1600°F. This also explains the cremation.


Different location but another tragic fire event is happening. A major evacuation is underway in the North West Territories of Canada . The community of Enterprise was destroyed this week and as per the Tik Tok link the situation is not looking good for Yellowknife, the capital city of NWT. Several indigenous communities are also affected.

West Kelowna BC just north of the US border is also in trouble. State of emergency declared in West Kelowna, as raging wildfires out of control spreads in Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada.


Just out from Greg Reese on Maui

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Cross post from a thread I started yesterday titled: Fires, gold, and diamonds. Is there a link? You tell me.


Thanks @sunnyboy & @bluenose
I posted some of this info earlier today on the BRI thread. I’m really wanting to keep track of Canada, NW Territories as much as possible.

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Yes - CAF’s description of “real estate acquisition strategy” in the 2020 riots in cities with Federal Reserve banks also came to my mind. The decision not to use sirens also seems peculiar, as does the area of Lahaina most affected.

I haven’t seen anyone else mention this, but through a wealthy relative who attends “alternative spirituality” retreats, including on Maui, I became aware of the ranches on the island owned by billionaires (I could name one of the most prominent families in Cincinnati here - one of them owns or did own one of these ranches) - yet the ranches don’t seem to have been affected by this “natural,” “climate change induced” event.

Hurricane Katrina was another huge investment op, moving out poor people of color so developers could cash in.

Correction: I see Sphinx posted about Oprah, but there are others. I can just imagine El Gato Malo getting hold of this - he’s already used the meme of a criminal saying to a shop owner who refuses to pay tribute or sell out to him, “nice little shop you got there, it’d be a shame if it burned down”…


Looks like Amazon is deep-sixing the URL for the book. That was quick too.

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This is the official link of the government technology conference that will be held in Waikiki next month…