Supersoldier SRA r&d

Crazy interview.
At 1hr 50min mark, goes into r&d, secret weapons/secret physics control ops.


Oh my! … what to say? … I guess “thanks for posting” would be a good place to start … Cheers

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The guy seems kinda like Forrest Gump (randomly wanders into a plethora of implausible situations) Jason Bourne, and Rosemary’s Baby all rolled into one. At least he presents himself that way. It’s possible I guess, but highly unlikely all those things actually happened to him personally. Some of them, OK. All of them, hmmmm. With his ability to tell stories, he could be a successful Jim Jones kind of character (cult leader).

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discerning what is true is a long road.
when the info provider is a MK/monarch subject, who has managed “to escape” the programming - woof, off the charts.

‘gray area monarch’ has a decent heuristic of anecdotes becoming data at scale. his favorite version is a story told in clinton era limited hangout on radiation poisoning - psych reports that when it was announced she was going to speak before the committee she received a large number of phone calls from other psychs all over the country reporting to her the very same story of a number of DID/trauma clients reporting the same stuff. []

if this guy was the only guy spouting off such things, it would be easier to dismiss for me.
the exceedingly uncomfortably likely bits for me are:
intentional DID creation by bloodlines/cults/church/masons is a LONG ongoing practice - mostly allowed by the military who get the ‘pick of the litter.’

Nathan and Gray tell very similar tales (generational, in action very young, mostly used on domestic assassinations/cleanup, failed attempt kill them [omega programming/boston brakes]). Both have believe-ability issues - number one being if the first kill attempt(s) didn’t work, why wasn’t a more successful one done - IF they are at all telling the truth, certainly offing them would be necessary.

book nathan recommended in there

evangelical christian eschatology - including pre-history (giants being nephilim/human offspring) and prophecy.

interesting to say the least. fun nuggets:
royal = roy is king, el is angel. bloodlines. charles from vlad from hercules. etc.
trump and xi and putin not fighting NWO but simply asking/demanding a better portion from it
corruption = forbidden mixture
CS lewis and Tolkien telling truths (as rosicrucian adepts)