Russian isn’t giving up. The best land military in the world is not going to be baited into a two front war.
The question we should be asking is not why Russia is not intervening, but why 300,000 troops loyal to the Assad regime, were given a stand-down order to allow a vacancy for the British-Israeli backed Jihadis to just walk into Aleppo?
Who gave that order?
They were backdoor infiltrated like many armies in that region of the world. The Turkish sultan got his way
You’re suggesting that the duplicity we are seeking to understand focalized on Erdogan? I’ve no trouble believing that considering his abominable behavior. He’s so desperate to be Putin he may as well be wetting his pants.
Erdogan is a compulsive traitor. And probably is not thinking through the consequences of his actions for his country and the region. The United States is equally irrational here. Both will do anything to protect Israel. Now they have Al Qaida in Syria, it wont work well for any of them.
What do all these bloodline groups want so badly with the concept of the State of Israel and the Ashkenazi?
I suppose these people must represent their best attempts at the preservation of the DNA sustained after the deluge – have you ever looked at them closely? Not what you call phenotypically optimal.
Centuries of social engineering and subversion I guess.
This will not go well for the United States or Turkey, but they are effectively captured states and in the case of the US, the entire country itself is captured. In the case of the central Asian/east European “Jews” they have effectively subverted and deviated an entire religion. The pharisees were no angels but they are altar boys when compared to these Zio-loons. The latter effectively invented the concept of self-idolatry.
How does one family dominate the top political position for over 50 years? That takes a lot of strong arming…the irony of Aleppo being one of the oldest ancient cities being turned over and invaded for the umpteenth time and the crossroads of the famous Belt and Road trading route is curious…
@ least Vanessa Beeley has made it out of the country.
Seems beheadings are taking place against Alawite oriented peoples. Western super democratic dignataries must be full of glee at all of this!
Exit stage left, circle round back stage curtain, enter stage right…
Western oligarchs currently are giving a hand to Turkey to participate in rearranging the ME, until the base in Romania is built up, and then will instigate another coup in Ankara.
The brain washing of centuries has instilled in the Bible Belt People of the U.S. that Israel are “God’s People” & that we have to always side with them, no matter what!!
If we had received a correct translation of the Old Testament, things would be much clearer & so many conflicts avoided! It should have been “gods”(elohim), not “God”.
That on really messed things up!!!
The current conflict appears to align with Albert Pike’s historical predictions about religious tensions between Judaism and Islam. While the full implications remain unclear, Pike theorized these manufactured conflicts would lead to the destruction of both.
My prediction for Syria.
This was a huge setup by Assad, Putin and the global south that ErdoÄźan, Zionists and Neocons could not resist.
The extreme ISIS style zealots paid for by the west (yes they are our military contractors) to knock over the Syrian government were allowed to “walk in” as the military stood down.
Now the IDF and western governments will suffer a slow historical death as previously suffered in Afghanistan.
Russia and the global south have a different reference to time. This may take months, years, or decades, but the Zionists and the Neo-cons have taken the bait their psychopathic nature ensures. The global south can sit back now and wait for Syria to become the sovereign multi-ethnic and religious country it was once again, after the Zionist and Neo-con swords are broken. ISIS as well will finally be known by all as the covert western military it always has been. Ever notice they don’t attack Israel? This may change soon if ISIS actually becomes true to their fake principals. Could get interesting.
Part of the wests desire was to weaken Russia, but they didn’t take the bait. Even with horrid leaders like Lenin and Stalin in the past, Russia has 1000 years of wisdom the west Does Not have. NATO will continue to become strap metal in the Ukrainian proxy war.