Wonder why such interest in Telegram’s CEO?
Perhaps with a billion users not under surveillance and using untraceable money is a factor.
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The Benz/Carlson interview says a lot about Telegram. It has a huge connection with the Russian military - when I followed the Ukraine Clown Show, that became pretty obvious. The Russian Insanity Syndrome is worse than Trump’s by a mile, especially if this is all controlled by the State Department (aka MIC and SeeEyeAye)
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And also other intelligences that use that feature.
However, the Russians are really invested.
A too tempting target?
Perhaps, a superb chess player might make such a move - and expect such a piece to be taken?
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Interesting take on Telegram and Durov situation by Daniel Estulin starts at 2:55:00
Fascinating, Bill. Estulin is always worth hearing.
Thanks for the link!
Quite a lot to chew on, and ponder!