Is this becoming widespread? For high school students or whom?
Seems like an attempted solution to what is by now admitted that the shot caused heart issues in the otherwise healthy younger population plus perhaps a clever marketing ploy to relieve anxiety among the parents. Defibrillators have to be administered immediately when the heart ceases to pump, otherwise the victim cannot be resuscitated. Usually by the time one is located along with a qualified administrator, it’s too late. How many news articles have we heard or seen where one was used and the patient survived? I can’t recall any. If they were so effective wouldn’t they be shown?
They were installed in my work place (a corporate office) about 20 years ago and we were given instructions how to use one.
Currently I have one implanted due to an afib heart condition. Luckily it hasn’t been needed, yet…
In addition to responding to the rise in heart issues from the jab, the need for CPR to respond to fentanyl overdoses may be another factor as per the example in the article linked below.