Test For Trump On Its Way?


The response will not be pretty, is my guess. Military has been in control for quite some timeā€¦

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Creative journalism is made for todayā€™s media toolsā€¦

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They look rather well dressed ā€“ brand new clothingā€¦ odd vibes emanating from that videoā€¦


The guards look and act robotic???

Wouldnā€™t have to get deadly right away. Tear gas and rubber bullets go a long way.
Serious ā€œwork campā€ jail time for any real violence up to deliberate murder.

Probably at least partially staged anyway and surely subsidized if not an all out Op.

In any caseā€¦someone needs to set a precedent if any order were ever to stickā€¦

Itā€™s a border. Itā€™s closed. Men with guns are guarding it and full of angst for the last
four yearsā€¦ Winnie the Pooh just left office with his treacherous, woke policies stuck
to the bottom of his shoes. That coupon has expired. Check back later for a chance
during the next revolution. Probably wonā€™t be longā€¦


The video is from 2023.


Got it off

Theyā€™re are going to be tests.
And those tests will tell the tale.
Or, as the saying goes:
Time Will Tell.

May it tell us;
thereā€™s been a sea change foe the better!!!
Long overdue!

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How does one herd sheep like that? With Border Collies, Chihuahuas, or some Great Pyrenees?

ā€¦Praetorian Guard maybe? ā€¦ we all know what can happen with that ā€¦

Just keeps coming back to Rome.

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Tear gas would stop this if liberally applied 24 - 7. Stop the crowds from forming and apply economic sanctions against the rogue governments that created the poor conditions those poor people have been forced to live under. We all know, or could learn what could be done to slow this down the tide.

Those ā€¦

ā€¦ may be our own.

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And their days are numbered. Things are and will be changing for the better. Those people charging into America do not appear to be underfed, or even poor. They appear to be well fed, energetic, and determined to get a ā€˜freeā€™ ride in life. Question: What is the date of the video clip? 2023 - so it was during Bidenā€™s misadministration.