Texas Exodus? Good! Go On Now, GIT!

Our local news has reported that many who moved to Texas, specifically the Houston area, are leaving due to the aftermath of Hurricane Beryl. This is understandable. Although I do not wish harm to anyone, I have commented repeatedly to friends that we needed a formidable enough hurricane to come through here and chase some of these newcomers out.

I was blessed during the storm and aftermath in that I only lost power for 5 hours or so. With Hurricane Ike, it was 5 days. Hurricane Carla in 1961 was my first hurricane, and I know from a lot of experience - it’s miserable. When people knowingly buy property in a flood plain, or, near a creek or river in Texas, or in or near a city surrounded by bayous, on clay soil, you’re asking for trouble; but what do we know, we were just born and raised here. If they think they can move to another part of Texas and avoid such problems, they are sadly mistaken.

Texas is not an easy State to live in, no matter what people say. I’m 4th generation, going back to 1878, and still don’t quite understand why people settled this land. They must have been terribly desperate. Nowadays, we natives recognize we’re under attack and are trying our best to fend off the enemies.

There’s a certain kind of decorum that good people adhere to when they venture into someone elses home area. You don’t insult their ways, their home, and tell them they need to be something other than who they are. You might not like them, but at least try to understand, or keep your mouth shut, especially when they’re armed to the teeth. They were warned about the weather, the topography of the land, they refused to listen, and consequently, refused to prepare. We understand the old timers having problems, and help them as much as possible, but have little patience for those who will not listen; not to mention running us off the roads because they think they’re still in LA. Bottom line: They don’t care who they hurt.

We’re sick of them here! I predict West Virginia is the next State of influx. You think it’s rough here? Just you wait until you insult and injure those hillbillies.


Houston: https://www.houstonpublicmedia.org/articles/news/houston/2024/07/18/494061/houston-moving-away-hurricane-severe-weather/

Central TX:

West TX:


Being from the very HEART of “flyover” country in South Dakota, I understand the sentiment. Our attitude was always “Just keep flyin’ over, don’t land here!”


I’m in Utah with a swelling population of California’s.
100% agree with all of the above.