Sounds like the product of Nzs research after 80 years of practice (since WWII).


A good “Catch Up” book series for what has been happening here since the 60’s is the book series, “Sands of Time” by Sean D. Morton. I’m only on book 2, but it entails 40 yrs of this scientist’s life within the Black Projects. I had to laugh at how he “handled” Slick Willie!! :rofl:

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Each of us is an Eternal, Sovereign Being & who knows on how many levels we exist??? :face_with_monocle:

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I don’t even think some people properly exist on one. It could also be argued that we’re only sovereign to the extent that we live by that sovereignty. I’m pessimistic because asserting sovereignty is a tall order at the present time.

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We each have our own experiences & grow, hopefully, during our Journey here on Earth!! The more one learns, the more one realizes one knows nothing!! :wink:


Well, all this is too reminiscent of a character from the Bible. You know, already unacceptable at the beginning (probably because of his original appearance), difficult to understand, exposed to ridicule, but then he begins to perform miracles and everyone present is amazed by him, and some of them they even become followers. He amazes them with his miracles, letting them know that this witchcraft is nothing, see what I can do. And finally it ends with a dramatic event, that he must be identified with a kiss from one of his followers, in front of the eyes of the Roman legionnaires, who never managed to locate and capture him before, in the ways known to them, even though he was a familiar face at the time. Strange, isn’t it?One may wonder how such a famous person at that time could not be found and identified and arrested by the Romans at that time who were known for their efficiency in these matters. How did he manage to hide when he had to? In what way? ?Even to the extent that he had to be identified by close physical contact with one of his followers. And no other way. From what then remained the tradition of the “kiss of death” which is still used by the mafia still today, sorry, the special military-intelligence and execution service of the Vatican .
And yes, the blue apple, of course.Well…





… You are correct Sir! … :slight_smile:

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The videos are showing as unavailable. Is it the same for everybody?

Click on watch on youtube.They open in new tab on youtube directly.

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You never stop with the jokes!! Always make me laugh out loud!!! :rofl:

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Thanks, Nico, for this amazing post!!! Joseph Atwill’s “Caesar’s Messiah” helps to dispel the myth that has kept Humanity in subjugation for centuries!! How DOES one unravel centuries of brainwashing??? :crazy_face:

Aye, but the joke is on us in the end… besides, as Bill Hicks was fond of saying… “It’s just a Ride”…


Well, in my post now one can add the personal pronoun she to the personal pronoun he, or replace them.You know he/she stuff.
Plus she/he is declaring him/herself in the Bible as alpha and omega, as the beginning and the end and as the Morning Star. And you get a complete picture of who or what he/she is infact .Strange isn’t it?
Oh by the way who or what is Nico?

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… as in the Velvet Underground and Nico.


Yes! But What A Ride!!! :laughing:

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Sorry, I picked that name up from your Divergent Channel…Not YOU??? :wink:

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As a shape shifting alien we wouldn’t even know it’s an alien unless maybe their dialogue is not quite right or by using our own intuition. Just like the bots and ai infiltrating chat rooms and forums can fool very intelligent people. If you’re aware and study the dialogue there’s something a little strange at their amazing encyclopedia recall, on so many different subjects.

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The question then might be, are we all shape shifters and is this all just an illusion?


Thanks for calling my attention to this obvious false steaming pile of weirdness from the International Globalony Plant called UNICEF.
I now regret not keeping the pennies I once collected as a child each year for this world wide propaganda mill .

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