I read your legislatio novus, but when you(Who is we?) visit the Reps and other lawmakers what is exactly that you do?How or in what manner do you act or contribute for the cause?

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@Ahzeld, you tell us what not to do but, do not offer any alternatives, nor actions to mitigate the problem. To say that “we need to stop doing it” does not offer solutions or actions to take. Being informed is the same as being awake and laying in bed…awake. It’s not action, nor, steps to take.

Don’t blame all Texans; some of us are working very hard. You’re not telling us anything new. Give us steps to take. Let’s hear some absolute actions from you. I don’t think you have any, therefore, the points you make are mute.

Done with your ‘non-action’ conversation and I do wish you the best as you lay in bed awake and meditate on the situation.

What you are writing contains a series of personal attacks. Would you be willing to stop doing that so we can engage in a real conversation?


I can’t imagine why Houston isn’t successful when she visits these Reps. She has a long history of sniping back at people who ask her questions or want more information. EBMason, the beaver, whatever. Houston Cannabis seller, former oil/gas worker (exec?) who cares.

The fact is, whatever level of involvement today, whatever your political views, we all need to COME TOGETHER and start working on our local communities and wake them up. I know I do what I can with some of our local people who are generation locals. I am a full-time immigrant from Yankeeland to many here (I was a full-time summer resident for 30 years in upstate NY) so I am in a constant information mode to the “voices” here who are on FB, etc. Houston is right about being active but you have to know HOW and WHERE your actions are effective.

It sounds like you are on the right track, @Ahzeld. Texas is definitely a good-old boy state, in every local community but I know that pushing the right buttons has started making a change here in my community. We just need to up the energy and make those in Austin realize that if they keep it up, we will fence off Austin, Houston and Dallas and scare the pants off the local LBJ’s who think they are running things.

Sitting in front of the computer only helps if you are using it to hone in on your target. Thanks for making us all aware of the Council on Regional Government. We are lumped in with Austin so we have an even greater need to wake up our local authorities and replace them if they are on board.

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I think you’re right, Ahzeld. Even here in the Midwest, too many voters just pull those voting machine levers for Republican Party and figure their job is done. They never look into what that R they voted for has done on specific policies.

Props for getting so involved! I hope your worries are misplaced - I have heard Austin is to be avoided (all the Hollywood transplants) but didn’t realize the rest of the state was going downhill as well…

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This deserves your current attention Joseph - Dr. John Coleman Exposes The Committee of 300 Ruling Elite Web In Classic Speech


Found this link to the CIA…ummm

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Was just about to post to find out if you’re okay, knowing where you live.

No issues where I live in south Texas. Life is as usual. The folks on the border have been dealing with migrant issue for years. They are capable and have a process. The media and politicians milk the issue.


Okay, just checking…

BTW, we all should be stepping up to stop this constant takeover of our resources and freedoms in whatever state we reside. This is how outrageous it is in 2023.

Some news in my town is that apparently water is going to cost double, or the minimum monthly bill for being on the town water system is going to be double. This is for anyone who connects their house to the new sewer line they’re supposedly going to install on my street any year now, which costs $10,000 to connect to + probably some other monthly bill, or I guess the additional water bill could be for that use of the sewer.

Apparently new utility bill computer system is going to cost them $100,000 to set up, so I guess they need more revenue to pay for that.

Could try to protest these costs at some town hall meetings, wonder how that would go.


@Bahri Don’t forget to add in the cost of ‘smart meters’ to monitor water inflows and sewer outflows usage. Any sewage monitoring would probably include a contraption to measure the chemical make up of the sewage. All the better to see what your poop and pee contain said the big bad wolf.

Lol, gross.

I was thinking the double water bill might be because they aren’t doing individual house meters for the sewer line, that doesn’t seem like a good idea to try to install those.

My water bill got shut off recently because of late payment, I didn’t know this was going to happen so turned the water back on before going to the town hall to ask about paying this, boss man there said that’s a misdemeanor to do that but luckily didn’t get charged for that he just told me to turn the water back off before he sent crew to turn the water on again. Meters are on the street, they belong to the city not the people. Was surprised they didn’t put a lock on the meter when they shut it off.

Have a good drain field for now but sewers can be good for higher density housing.

If they are doing something like that here, then this would explain why the computer system to monitor that is so expensive.

Your reference to the wolf you say because you think they are planning to eat us!!?

Unfortunately, I don’t think my worries are misplaced.

This is from a reporter whom I just recently learned of. I cannot vouch for him but he has seemed to do good investigations regarding immigration. However, in this piece he says something I feel is degrading to other human beings, in effect, naming them as diseases instead of people who have particular disease. So I’m telling you in advance that I have reservations about him. I include the link because I think he is correct about most other things he is writing in this piece. I would value your opinion: Texas Governor Abbot is part of the Kayfabe.

If he is correct, then this would certainly make TX digital currency extremely suspect.

Just as an aside, I come from Ohio also. Oberlin and Yellow Springs seem like good places for CFR political “leaders”! :slight_smile:

Oh, it’s Granville, the town of the rich people. Denison U. I lived in YS with my husband for 11 yrs, and it, like Granville, was once a charming small town. It was political but for good things back in the day - Ernest Morgan allowed employees to own shares in his business (officially a “socialist” position but in effect, more like Chesterton or Belloc’s Distributism); his company employed Japanese Americans during WWII, & YS was pro-civil rights from the 1800’s on.

But it’s become a yuppie enclave for “liberal” Dayton professionals & Dave Chappelle’s fiefdom. They’re “liberal” because they’ve done nothing to stop warmongering, neoliberal Rep. Mike Turner, who’s never met a defense contractor he didn’t serve - they’re more busy waving their Pride flags.

I knew people from the Quaker families & came to be disappointed by their adulation of wealth.

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Rich people are a way more serious problem for towns than poor people, by far.

That is a twig on which I would not venture…

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Sounds like a Marxist phrase…perhaps better that bad people are a way more serious problem for towns than good people…