The Anglo/American Juggernaut: Is the threat of Russia and China a red herring?

He who occupies the high ground…will fight to advantage.”

-Sun Tzu, Chinese military strategist and philosopher, 544 BC-496 BC

The Countries With The Most Satellites In Space | ZeroHedge

Does the graph at the link demonstrate that the much-touted threats to the west from Russia and China are indeed empty suits? It’s laughable that the Union of Concerned Scientists think that they’ll convince the behemoth down off their perch. :joy:…the very last sentence in the article is also telling in regards to the corporations which are transforming the scheme from Governments being the fronts to tranational corporations being the fronts…Blackrock or Vanguard anyone?! :face_with_monocle:

From Bacons New Atlantis scheme and Rhodes round tables to King Charles III true purpose…the empire of lies…Pax Britannia to Pax Americana…the goal remains the same…total subjugation of the globe under the boot heel of the western elites…


The 5 eyes are watching…


It should be no surprise that the logo for their primary NSA terrestrial system “ECHELON” is of course a big watching eye…

ECHELON - Wikipedia


The priesthood of the great reset is working hard to build the infrastructure as they evoke Crowley’s Gnostic/Hermetic Aeon of Horus starchild to arise as both the mother/father aeons of Isis/Osiris have now passed thus closing the Ouroboros circle and bringing to completion to the Mother/Son Sun god mythos…they seek the ONE.

They certainly worship the eye…perhaps due to their Watcher progenitors…

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I don’t think Russia and China (and possibly even India) are mere empty suits. It looks to me as if it’s the same old battle between maritime empires (today’s equivalent of sea lanes and ships being near-earth orbit and satellites) and land-based empires.

Those who control today’s “sea lanes” are the same ones who controlled them in the past – immensely powerful corporate cartels with state backing, similar to the old British East India Company. The land-based empires would be Russia, China, and their allies and vassals, who are trying to control overland trade along the New Silk Road. The land-based empires have some satellites, probably some kind of anti-satellite capabilities, and who knows what other kinds of weapons to use against today’s maritime/satellite empire.

Agree and good feedback…empty suits was not the best term in that obviously both nation states have formidable capabilities…

The overall thought process was that Russia and China’s current capabilities appear to be based mostly on older terrestrial based technology and in addition might possibly if not probably be greatly overstated by the west to maintain a particular narrative so to keep the monies flowing to the defense contractors and to keep the public on board with an aggressive posture towards the so-called adversaries…

I was really surprised by the chart in the article…the west has a clear if not overwhelming advantage on the high ground (aka orbit)…

I have wondered for some time if these space based assets are much more lethal, extensive and operational then we’ve been led to believe…and do these weapon systems represent a new “cosmic” phase of warfare far beyond terrestrial based ICBMs and hypersonic weapons et al…

And do these systems utilize Tesla (as in Nikola) tech and direct energy capabilities that to a large degree if not wholly make terrestrial based systems like the aformentioned missiles not to mention 5 and 6 gen aircraft and navies basically obsolete? This was the stated goal of Reagan and the Star Wars program 30-40 yrs ago that supposedly gave us HAARP among other systems…and the Soviets earnest complaints that it was jeopardizing their nuclear deterrent would seem to show that it wasn’t just empty bluster and that space based assets could and would make ICBMs and other systems obsolete…

If true…it likely segues into the much-discussed secret space program and its potential base of operation being located in an out-of-the-way place from prying eyes like…say…Antartica…but that’s a whole other discussion.

I do also agree that both Russia and China’s proximity to the “great games” ultimate prize of the Eurasian landmass along with the Chinese Belt and Road initiative is the chief threat to the west and is at the heart of their relentless efforts to stoke war and to neutralize these threats to the vast resources in this area and possibly ancient hidden technologies that are buried beneath this largely unexplored and undiscovered territory.

Great Game - Wikipedia

The general thrust of your reasoning does make sense to me, and I’ve wondered some of the same things. I’m convinced that all military threats to the West are over-hyped, and have been for a long time, since war and weapons manufacturing are immensely profitable to a select few.

I’m also convinced that much or most of the money going into satellites and space-based technology is going toward developing weaponry and other means of control and coercion of us Earthlings.

I don’t know much at all about military technology, but I presume that if the West’s space-based technology is posing a threat to Russia and China, then the Russians and Chinese are more than smart enough to develop some kind of defense against it. What that defense might be or how far along they might be in developing it, I have no clue. But I find it hard to believe they’d wouldn’t at least try to develop it. The other thing is, the number of satellites that any country or corporation has is probably a closely guarded secret. I’d be skeptical about any openly published numbers.

There’s also the possibility that somebody down here is afraid of somebody “out there.” That’s a lot more speculative than the above, but I wouldn’t rule it out. However, even if that speculation is correct, I figure that if a weapon can be pointed upward, it can probably be pointed downward toward the Earth too.

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Great feedback
Spot on :+1: