That is PERFECT! I was just going to to individualy check the publication dates of every single one and build a chronology all by myself, this made the work much easier. Thank you so much.

Heard you mention some of your theological productions in the talks with George Ann, but didn´t get they had relevance for your research on this topics? There is a hint about it in the part where you mention a guy named Father Malachi Martin and his novel The Vatican, about the corruption going in there, but didn´t get that it was really meaningful, thank you for the clarification.

Where can i find your theology works to buy?
And also, these other books that you mention, that comes after Hess and the Penguins, please?

The Tower of Babel Moment, Microcosm and Medium, The Giza Death Star Revisited, and God, History, and Dialectic. The first two and the last are on Lulu. GDSRevisited is on the website.


Thank you so much Professor! I will read your theology, really curious what such a sharp mind and honest intellect have to say about that, and how it fits in the grand scheme of your research.

So Earth is just a very lucrative trading post, among many, -whose employees don’t realise that they are the “Product”…Cheery thought…

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Yup… Charles Fort was the first one to suggest that stark possibility as I recall.

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Looks like you went to the about-books tab (Book Store), not the about the author tab, where there is the chronological list : About

I think Earth is more than just a trading post! I haven’t read all these books, but at the very least the planet is a trading post with oceans and rainforests, which is more than most trading posts I know of have.

“Quantitative Stealing” which is the new form of insanity which we see in the ongoing attempt to sustain the imperial banking system called “bail-in”.

The BIS is part of the discussion in this video.

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If this information is correct then the total debt of the entire planet Earth is 233.3 trillion.


The question is to whom?
1.To the creatures that have a bird’s eye view, that is, they have an insight into the larger real picture, such as “birds” and their natural ability to migrate by orienting themselves according to the Earth’s electromagnetic fields?
2. To the the people who fly in “balloons” and also orient themselves mostly according to the electromagnetic spectrum, that is, the visibility of electromagnetic spectrum which is natural to them?
3. To the beings or entities in the cosmos who have a view and overview of the Earth from even greater heights? Or time distances?
4. Does this extend not only through space and its dimensions but also through time, for example from thousands, thousands, hundreds or even millions of years ago, as unpaid debt, that is, from our side as humans on this celestial piece of body?
5. Or is it simply a matter of continuous trade in energy and matter that will never stop with whomever the trading partners are near or far? This is the crucial question.

  1. If it is about this kind of trade, then we dwellers in the human form will forever be in debt. We will never experience freedom in the true sense. And I claim that will never happen.

If the tax or debt collectors have decided at some time in the past or in the future to never stop collecting our human woven debt.
Here I will suggest, if possible, an out-of-mind speculation.
Namely, we as human beings on this third rock from the Sun do not owe anything to anyone, that is, to anyone to the above-mentioned beings, entities, angels, demons or gods.
Or whatever we name them that is call them?This is also crucial statement in form of question.If you name them,and speak their names or even think of them in therms of creating individual mental pictures of them,you create them and then call them,or call upon them.You give them your energy,or matter,or ether or whatever.You become slave to them.To your own mind,emotional etc.creation.
What is happening right now with psychology, I, or we owe someone something, is simply an illusory truth. That is, pure untruth and a lie.


And final question…
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That is, who really is the owner, or owns someone or something?
Seen in general.
Here I will give my personal opinion or speculation, which is something visible in everyday life and death.
Namely, no one owns anyone, that is, he is not his owner.
Nobody owns anything and is not its owner.
Including here our own bodies, that is, organisms. This is i visible, you can hear it, or smell it, or touch it in everyday life.
Of course, those who know how, where and when.
And everyone can do it and everyone knows how. There are only some who do it in a simpler way or faster.
We call them intelligent,wise,perceptive…etc. :smirk:


This is the very question that will trigger the masses to go out and exterminate the bankers.

$233 Trillion of Debt.
To Whon?

Nobody had this capital, so how could they generate this debt?
It´s a fraud, and they want the people to pay for it.

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An answer is in Dr. Farrell’s books but here’s an appetizer for you.
Happy Hunting!


I´ve watched this presentation some 2 months ago, it´s was precisely this that made me come to the Professor forum. I´ve also been reading his books since 2010, one of the greatest gifts that i ever gave to myself.

I had lost the link, thank you for sharering again!

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You’re most welcome.