The courts no longer have jurisdiction. what?

Thanks to Scarmoge I looked into Alex Krainer’s substack…
EXCERPT FROM: C0VlD l9 hoax goes to court

Wait, what? The courts have no jurisdiction???

In May 2020 there were rumblings that 1.4 million US Army service members would be subjected to mandatory MRNA shots. Having been involved in testing of MRNA technology for over 20 years, Mr. Callender understood the danger and immediately sought to obtain a restraining order against the US Defense Secretary to prevent him from ordering the mandatory shots on the grounds that they were experimental.

The filing was served to the Department of Defense (DOD) and the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). However, rather than replying to the specific allegations, the DOD and HHS only reacted with a motion to dismiss on the grounds that the court had no jurisdiction. The court agreed and dismissed the case. Mr. Callender moved to appeal this decision, but after more than 6 months of deliberation, the Appellate Court also dismissed the case.

The monolithic and ruthless conspiracy

The fact that the DOD and the HHS declined to contest the case, that they did not bother to present any counter arguments, and that the courts simply abdicated their duty to adjudicate the case was a shocker and a violation of the Constitutional order of the United States of America. How could this be? As Mr. Callender and his collaborators would learn, the C0VlD l9 pandemic, officially declared by President Donald Trump on 13 March 2020 had triggered a medical Martial Law that had been covertly prepared over the last 50 years!

The foundations of this new legal framework had been struck on 10 January 1963 by reading the Communist Manifesto into the Congressional Record and outlining 45 changes that would need to be effected in order to convert the United States into a communist-like, dictatorial system. Incidentally, John F. Kennedy was assassinated in November of that same year, not long after he had warned the American people about the “monolithic and ruthless conspiracy” that sought to enslave every man, woman and child in the United States.

Another significant event that year was the first drafting of the “Report From the Iron Mountain” which, among other things, articulated the ruling establishment’s need for permanent warfare and large-scale destruction of life (depopulation). Authors of the report explicitly advocated for “the reintroduction, in some form consistent with modern technology and political process, of slavery



This video explains why the courts do not have jurisdiction concerning the injections and other “countermeasures”.


… Thanks for taking a look Manhattan. :slight_smile: I think folks will find a few things of interest in there.

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Plus the SC can simply not accept the case…

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Fascinating. Thanks for the link. When they start talking about the money laundering/training private military contractors, they mentioned private versus public. This is completely disinformation in the fact that it is ALL commercial or corporate whether it is funded by government resources or corporate. PRIVATE means just that: not in the commercial or corporate realm. Until we can get that distinction in our heads, we will continue to fall for ALL their fraud.

It should be every American’s goal to operate in the private. BLEEP the slave holders.

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