The Debt of Babylon - 2 Cycles, Money, & Battle for Liberty with Dr. Farrell - The second part is now posted on Forum Borealis

The Debt of Babylon - 2

Cycles, Money, & Battle for Liberty


Dr. Joseph Patrick Farrell

Runtime: 130 minutes

Recorded: 13 November 2023

Series: Understanding Economics


Thanks for the link Miracles!


I always forget I have a subscription to Al the Pal. Was a little put off by the Humans from the Future presentation with Dr. Michael Paul Masters. Something about his contact experience just didn’t sit right. Did anyone else get the same read?

Did you ever read any books of D.W. Pasulka? I think since the jab period many scientist found out they don’t belong to the club they thought they belonged too. The abductee/alien problem has exploded in popularity and is now “respectable” to do in university.

I suspect Al the Pal is more gnostic orientated anyways. I am not on board with Dr. Michael Paul Masterrs projection that greys are from a far future and the Nordics from a closer future. As a linear living human I find it hard to imagine not to be living in linear time. I don’t believe the beings that can pop in and out of our reality are timetravelers or even live completely outside of time. In the end scientists and aliens can pin a lot on our sleeves.

In the end us mundanes are more and more driven into a non-existing surreal world on purpose. About anything today is inverted and tainted by rot.