Originally published at:

With all the chaos going on in the world - most of it brought about by the plutocrats and oligarchs running “the West” - it may seem terribly insensitive, impertinent, or even irrelevant to be talking about woolly mammoths, the dodo bird, and their “de-extinction,” a fancy and “scientific” sounding euphemism for avoiding the term…


I’m convinced now all this is are efforts to terraform the planet for someone else. Without our knowledge of course. That choice of species is no accident.


Current cloning will only create an identical twin of the original. This doesn’t mean they might not try to fully “bring back” the originals in the future, but for now, thankfully, that isn’t the case. At least the Russians had the foresight to designate an area of, I think, Siberia for cloned mammoths (and others like wooly rhinos) if they are brought back.

While simple cloning of animals doesn’t bother me, IF they have a proper place for them, I would hate to see them all in zoos. Trying to bring back an individual is an entirely different level.

Even cloning humans is dicey unless they can solve the problem of the clone being a similar genetic “age” to the person who is cloned. I haven’t seen many updates on that, which makes me wonder if that problem isn’t solvable, at least not yet. So sure, you could make a clone of yourself, but their genetic age at birth might condemn them to about half of an average lifespan.

If that problem is solved, well, again, a proper clone is simply an identical twin. Who may share some genetically inspired personality traits with the original? But like natural identical twins, they would have a different soul and personality.

Now, a clone of King Tut would be a fragile but perhaps intelligent young man whose foot deformity might be solvable with modern techniques or better supports. Even if you cloned his half-sister’s wife, they might not have any romantic interest in each other when raised in a contemporary culture where such relationships are discouraged. And she would not be Aksonomon. She would be her identical twin.

Its for functional reasons I think. Its not the mammouth itself, but what the mammouth does that they want here. That can be achieved without the need of perfect cloning. The age is reset back to zero by the female egg. As long as the cloning involves the ovule of a female elephant of young age there wont be a need to intervene on that issue.

I believe that early lab tests on Dolly and some other clone animals suggested that the telomeres were closer in size to those of the adult cloned then they were for a newborn. This may have been proved incorrect, but I haven’t seen any updates. It was pretty public at the time.

What’s to stop any resurrected person from lying when asked anything?


We can clone many generations and they still live a typical lifespan. Age reset occurs by the mother’s cells. Dolly had two aged parents. But it lived fairly long.

Still all studies show the oocyte quality is the limiting factor for age reset.

Great, glad to hear it.

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I can just see “resurrected” holy men of the past standing next to the pope on his balcony and declaring that the WEF has been anointed by them to save the world . . . The globalist psychopathocracy is beyond nutty enough to pull such a stunt.

Consider, too, that out of one side of their mouths, the propounders of The Science are constantly telling us we need to cull animals because they’re going to harbor and spread the next killer virus; out of the other side of their mouths, there’s no problem with bringing back species from the distant past – none of which, apparently, could bring back some unknown disease.

The widening gyre of scientismic insanity just keeps spinning . . .

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I got news for these transhumanist minions which are trying to change a curse of history from both ends using paleo genetics on one side and digital space(digital will always be binary hence never compatible with men) on the other.
The bio morphogenetic field on earth was changed in 33AD and never be the same as in antediluvian times, so their frequency weapons even if operational will not work and of course that stupid idea of merging two-dimensional digital world with multidimensional human will fail for obvious reasons.

Bio morphogenic field of the earth continues to be changed every day on the altars of the Church.

Then Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except ye eat the flesh of the Son of man, and drink his blood, ye have no life in you. Whoso eateth my flesh, and drinketh my blood, hath eternal life; and I will raise him up at the last day. For my flesh is meat indeed, and my blood is drink indeed. He that eateth my flesh, and drinketh my blood, dwelleth in me, and I in him.

And that’s why RC and Orthodox churches are presently burning everywhere.

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The line between wild and farmed depends on perspective. In a sense everything alive is wild when connecting to source and interacting with the matrix.

But seriously if an elephant/woolly mammoth was created, think of the marketing opportunities.

Moo deng was born in captivity. The real issue is destruction of habitat.

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Speaking of marketing…

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