The Grammys have gone full-on Satan worship right on prime time TV. Don’t believe me? Watch

The Grammys have gone full-on Satan worship right on prime time TV.

Don’t believe me?



Glad I don’t own a television to be tempted….did not watch this video either, but thanks for reporting….

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I don’t watch Grammy’s anymore because of this nonsense and the almost completely lack of talent. Definitely full on satanic.

I only watch clips of legacy media on TT or YT, since most of info and shows by now have only one goal, as doc. used to say, " shocking the medium". and changing bio-morphogenic field. To counter react we need more of these on the streets of western cities :point_down: and good news is: it’s happening more often than we are aware.of.

Beautiful ❤️

Men's Rosary rally in Croatia💪

— Sachin Jose (@Sachinettiyil) February 4, 2023
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Good riddance. Its like a palm strike to your face. Cant people start to see something?