The Healing Power of Music (Will Tuttle PhD)

In this powerful (47 min.) presentation on the “Healing Power of Music”, Dr. Will Tuttle PhD (who is a Zen Dharma Master) gives a video presentation to members of the Unity Church on how we can connect with our divine source through music, and suggests that we pay close attention to what music we take in, given that some forms of music harmonize with our natural vibrations, and others clash (and can be harmful).

We especially love the beautiful melodies he plays on his piano, and hope that this beautiful presentation uplifts anyone who needs a lift.


Having recognized the power of music in my own life, I can attest to the fact that music does play a big influence in our lives!! At a time when I was overcoming the abuse I had suffered in my first marriage, I discovered B.B. King’s “Blues” & felt a healing effect in how he presented his music!! I think we all have recognized what type of music to play when we need a “pickup” or a relaxation theme!! :dancer:t2:


It was Joni Mitchell for me.


We enjoy BB King as well!

Although, classical music has a special calming effect on us, including the classical Asian music from India and China, and we love going to concerts (when there isn’t all the masking nonsense). But, interestingly, we love music most when it is played by sensitive and expressive musicians – some people who play classical music mathematically, blah, blah, can numb us, while the same song played by a highly expressive musician can really stir our senses.

We’re really sorry that you had to endure an abusive experience in your earlier years. We’re glad you managed to get away from that, and also that music has helped you to explore and heal some of the wounds. Sometimes, beyond the words, it’s a connection through the emotion conveyed by the song itself, that helps in the healing journey. You feel like the musician who composed a particular composition understands just what it is that you’re feeling, and thus, it’s going to be something different for each individual, as our journeys are different. I suppose that’s why we all, in part, respond to different music.

What I loved about Will’s talk is how he connects music to relationships. His mention of how important silence is in music (as it is in relationships), the dissonace and harmony of our relationships, the idea of tension in our relationships and “returning home” – and how he conveyed all these concepts of human relationships through speaking about rhythm, melody and harmony. (Interestingly: he and his wife give presentations to people who want to improve their relationships, and I they draw upon music and art concepts a lot to speak about these issues).


Thank you for your kind words! Hip! Hip! Hooray for Music!!! :dancer:t2:

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