Well… I was talking about this the other day. We are all living under colonial rule. For example Spain is a colony of Germany. Germany is a colony of the US. The US is a colony of the international financial powers. US plays the role of top colony as long it obeys their masters and the foreign elites running the goverment. There are no options but I am a positive individual and have the DNA of the whole Spanish empire running through my veins. I’m a fighter, if my great grandfather was alive he would be with his musket and sword in hand fighting this kooky masonic, Judeo babel, quasi Christian, enlightenment retardery world order.
I am a loyal American citizen believe it or not. During this last year, I have questioned my loyalty to America because I can’t belong to a nation that sits idle while women and children are being slaughtered in Palestine for example. Is unnatural satanic and I don’t want to be a part of it. At this point I’m thinking give us back to Spain at least the King there recognized the Palestinian state.