The Hispanic American Block

Professor Marcelo Gullo is a geopolitical analyst. The video is long, is in Spanish, and the YouTube translation is rough around the edges. In my opinion, posting the video is important for those interested in the geopolitics of the region.

I think the Spanish colonization of the Americas gets a bad wrap. Hispanic Americans are calling the phenomenon “The Black Legend” where everything that Spain did was pure hatred and evil incarnate. Nonsense! Any Hispanic American living today, probably wouldn’t exist if that colonization was made by any other empire. They will probably be living in an Indian reservation somewhere in South America.

In the Spanish Empire the Catholic Church said “hey those are human beings, what are you doing?” The natives were converted to Christianity and everybody started marrying and forming families. Yesterday I was checking the history of Geronimo. The Apache Indian that started doing raids and rebelled in north America. In old American movies he is depicted as a savage killing white men. Note the name :point_up: Geronimo, sounds Spanish right? Turns out Mr. Geronimo spoke Spanish wore a Christian cross and knew the bible. His family came from that old Spanish Empire region in North America.

Folks we are Hispanic Americans not Latin Americans, that was a divide and conquer word spell used by the British and French to separate American Spain from European Spain. We were really one people for centuries, the so called “Latin America wars for Independence” were really civil wars fought between Hispanic Americans. The region got balkanized on purpose and the Hispanic American world fragmented.

The Pax Americana is not going to last folks. Is impossible for the handlers of the United States to keep using the country, to impose a “rules base order” on the rest of the world. People are not going to accept it. I think that once the Pax Americana era ends, the world is going to split in cultural blocks. The Anglo block. The Asian block. The Middle East block. People in South America don’t want to be left behind and are calling for the creation of the Hispanic American block.

I think an Hispanic American block could happen, or the region will remain fragmented in the culture and economy. Spain is already making the moves and is being quiet open about it. Spain is key for the formation of an Hispanic block, why? CULTURE! they are the keepers of the Hispanic expression of Western culture. Is the glue that keeps it all together. If Spain stops being a colony of Germany and gets out of the EU to become a nation once again, then I see it happening.

There is something important that I need to add. Puerto Rico was the only territory that remained loyal to the Spanish Empire. Julio Iglesias has family in Puerto Rico. At the end of the Spanish - American war, Puerto Rico was an overseas province of Spain, just like Barcelona, Andalusia, etc. People had Spanish citizenship with equal representation in the Spanish goverment. In other words, we were not a colony folks. This presents a problem because now in Spain, the Law Schools in Madrid made a study about the Spanish - American war and the Treaty of Paris which ended the conflict. They are saying that what was done to Puerto Rico was a great crime. That you can’t revoke the Spanish nationality and citizenship. They are proposing granting Spanish citizenship to all the people living on the Island. Nobody here is asking for it, they are just saying we are going to give it to you guys because it belongs to you.

In other words, if you think an Hispanic American block with Spain leading the pack is fantasy land, think again, they are trying to make a beach head. People in South America are supporting the idea, they don’t want to see further balkanization of the region.


“Geronimo, sounds Spanish right? Turns out Mr. Geronimo spoke Spanish wore a Christian cross and knew the bible. His family came from that old Spanish Empire region in North America.”

This, must be why the German founded Skull and Bones, in the English Privateer cough, cough, legally sanctioned Pirate founded New Haven CT, was so interested in acquiring Geronimo’s skull from it’s rightful burial place and bringing it back to the crypt at Yale. Sorta of a Middle finger to the Spanish and their long gone days of fighting each other in open water for the gold filled Spanish Galleons returning from the New World back to Spain?

Read about him yesterday, a movie plot came to my mind. Geronimo! the story of an Hispanic American Spanish speaking Indian. A devout Roman Catholic, fighting heresy and masonic expansion. Get this picture made.


The Spanish “Black Legend” is absolutely hegemonic in all universities around the world. They stole all the gold, killed everybody, blah blah blah. What is the Black Legend? Is the false story of Spain told by the enemies of Spain. Holland, then Great Britain, then it gets picked up by The United States, even the Soviet Union got in the legend. Is always violations, killings, and stolen gold. If Spain was only interested in gold, why it decided to build a rosary of universities? Why a world power that is only interested in gold and plunder, decided to build universities? Is strange that you go to a place to rob and then start building universities. 85 years before the foundation of Harvard university, the university of San Marcos in Lima Peru was founded. And why somebody who is going to kill and plunder started Christianizing and marrying the native Indians?

When a world power goes to a place to kill and plunder they build ports. They need ports because they have to run as quickly as possible. When there is upheaval of the local population, you need to be close to the port to run away. Spain build cities from Colombia, Ecuador, Cordoba, etc. All of them at the heart and interior of those lands, very far from the ports, not to run away with “Spanish Galleons full of gold.” Once you build cities in the middle of a land is not to escape, is to stay there. Why if Spain came to kill, rape and rob, they started doing this? Why they started building hospitals from Mexico all the way to Tierra del Fuego? What is the necessity of building hospitals? What is the purpose?

Why the Spanish decided to teach the Indians to write their own language? 15 years before the appearance of English grammar, Spanish monks created Aztec grammar. Why?

1st: Every “Black Legend” has some truth in it.
2nd:The Spanish Monarchy was indeed interested in securing any and all gold it could lay it’s hands on from the new world!
3rd:The majority of the what I’m describing as humanitarian things being done, schools, churches, etc. Is in fact and can be defined as a propaganda machinery being setup and implemented by the Catholics and i would like to add emphatically here, the Jesuit Order of the Catholic church! Lets not forget they are a somewhat militaristic organized branch of Catholic missionary work. Often times being the very agent finding those lost stores of gold!
4th:Port City, Interior City, barge building to float the gold down river is all just infrastructure being implement to make gold extraction easier. Might i add on the back end once you have converted all those “Godless Heathen,” lets not forget they were savages to the European conquering mind, all those bloody tithes to God!!! What was the kosher amount back then 10 - 15%?
5th: Hospital to help keep them alive longer tithing to god longer making more babies!

Let’s not be so quick to praise the Spanish. I would direct you to the story of Columbus and his brutal conquest of Haiti/Dominican Republic!

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The Jesuit order did amazing things in South America. Created law, medicine, engineering schools for the local populations. I’m not Roman Catholic but I do know my history and credit has to be given. Catholic Colonization was way way way superior than the protestant. There is no comparison between the two. Take for example the conquest of the Aztec empire by Hernan Cortez. That 400 Spanish soldiers arrived there and burned their ships and started conquering the land. NONSENSE! 400 soldiers are not going to defeat an army of 200,000 Aztec warriors. The Aztecs oppressed the surrounding Indian tribes and they were simply fed up. And that’s how Hernan Cortez raised an army of 300,000 strong. The Indians were liberating themselves. The same happened in other regions.

In Puerto Rico we had the Taino tribe a beautiful metaphor culture. If you look at the census of that era, there were only 1,000 Spanish surrounded by thousands of Indians. They could have easily overrun the Spanish soldiers. That never happened and in fact the Spaniards helped the Tainos defeat another tribe that lived in the surrounding islands, called the Caribes who were full blown cannibals. They used to sail from those islands and invade Puerto Rico and take people to eat them. That’s why the Indians partnered with the Spaniards. After the first century of colonization the Tainos and Spaniards in the island were already mixed.

No doubt, some good things got done while building the propaganda machinery necessary for something as bureaucratic as the Catholic church to hold power.

“Catholic Colonization was way way way superior than the protestant.” So yeah, instead of handing out small pox blankets they run them through with the sword, musket and cannon ball? I’ll respond, six one way and half a dozen the other.

Cortes didn’t burn his ship until he marched on the Spanish held Veracruz, about 3 to 4 months later, and essentially seized control of the territory, of course claiming he worked directly for King Charles!

When he landed and started moving inland he located Geronimo de Aguilar, a priest being held captive or at least living with them for 8 years. He could translate and might have learned the ends and outs of the political intrigue from the Aztec society. Cortes clear had some sort of inside knowledge, because we was able to sway a large chunk of the local indigenous people against the leaders in Mexico city. It wasn’t your so described 400 against 300k all at once, it was a slow burn that led to a following of an additional at least 1000 warriors to help. Least we forget about the technological advantage with gun powder and metal skin?

If you gave me one M2 .50 cal machine gun, an assistant gunner, 3 pairs of asbestos gloves 20 barrels and 100k rounds of API, heck even just ball, i bet you we could hold off 200k, given the advantage of terrain of course. What I’m saying here is, you might be dismissing the fear factor of the big boomy things that hurt your ears and has a metal ball that mows through 20 people without stopping.

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Spaniards didn’t conquer the lands that are now called Mexico. Another legend of history, that’s not me saying it, the Spanish chronicles are saying that. The Indians liberated themselves the Spaniards went along and took the region. Spanish muskets and boom sticks didn’t make the Indians run away. This has been proven over and over again before a Spaniard could reload he got 20 Indian arrows on the head.

There was no Catholic propaganda machinery of anything. The Roman Catholics were on a mission for the conversion of those peoples. In Spanish there is a saying “El que mina domina” the ones who puts mines dominates. In other words, the only propaganda machine here came from the Anglo world who wanted to break the Spanish empire apart and they succeeded. But word magic have expatriation dates watch it happen look at that video I posted.

Your saying the Catholics only operated in an altruistic manner? Nope, I’m not buying it. The very act of missionary is the conversion of one from their previous belief structure to our belief structure. The very idea that a self defined church or more apply labeled, self delusional human hierarchical control structure based on fear of not getting in with God’s good grace, can go anywhere and “convert” someone and that be of the convert’s best interest, is absolutely ludicrous.

I’m an unapologetic Christian, the Roman Catholic Church brought millions to Christ in South America. Their work was monumental. Does the Catholic Church has problems? Of course ask Dr. Farrel about the Papal claims and Augustinian retarderies, but he will be the first one to acknowledge the incredible work the Christians missionaries did. I bet $100 dollars that he agrees. They created one the most beautiful and richest cultures on the planet, unique in every way. And let me add one final thing, the Spanish civilizational project is not over, is going to be brought back.

Millions of people * 10% of their yearly earnings is how much altruistic gold? The Catholic machine that was created under Nicaea decree is not about bringing people to Christ. IMO, it’s a power conversion from imperial mandate to religious mandate. The Roman imperial machine stopped functioning as a bloated fat slob of wretched filth. They realized running a empire through might was way to expensive and annoying. You gotta have all those forts, train all those soldiers, hope they stay loyal and keep them from causing irreversible social chaos. No no, instead let’s just scare the crap out of them and make them pay us 10% we can create a sovereign nation and sit back and collect saying God decree’s this and that, don’t you dare do this or that. Give us all your important ancient writing so we can squirrel it away in the basement. Let the Italians figure out how to run themselves.

Might i add with this system no money printing required, you get 10% of all money created period! Oh and by the way least we forget the intelligence benefits of all those ears listening to all that blackmailable sin!

Also last edit i think, In this system, you don’t have to win the trust of the kings and queens of Europe for the next 1500 years. No, they will go out of their way, to come see you, at your convenience just so they can get “guidance” from God via the Pope’s mouth. Seriously you don’t see the political and economical benefit of this deceptive system?


The Spanish Empire and the role of the Catholic Church has been misunderstood in a criminal way. They didn’t stole no ancient Indian writings, they gave the Indians their writing so they could record and remember their own history.

And by the way just to draw a comparison between the Spanish Catholic empire and the Anglo kooky masonic enlightenment, quasi Christian, Judeo babel, protestant world view. They approved interracial marriage in 1514, USA in 1967. You are still deciding if folks can live together and get along. People in South America were humping each other since 1514 under the sacrament of marriage of course.

I’ve been biting my tongue. Anyone who thinks colonization was helpful to indigenous people is mistaken. For decades I worked with indigenous people from many tribes who were horribly abused by church and government boarding schools. In the southwest these stories crossed the border. Some of what happened to the children is unbelievably cruel. Most people don’t realize how recently this was still happening. What I do think is true is that many in some indigenous communities embraced Christianity, but the results were often an ‘indigenized’ version. Where I live there is a local priest who frequents the local longhouse. It’s interesting to discuss different versions of similar metaphoric resonances. I’ll stop here. I doubt I’m being helpful.


June who was doing the colonization with those tribes? Is this in North America or South America ? Both are universes apart and can’t be compared. The Catholic Church said to the Spanish Crown they were not allowed to go full retard on the Indians or the wrath of God will be upon them. In those words! Letter after letter from the Christian missionaries. This is not debatable and in 1514 it was decided, interracial marriage, everybody to Christianity, sacrament of marriage for all.

So if the terrible colonialism you are referring is the kooky masonic, quasi Christian that happened in the north, then yes it was absolutely barbaric. Is still barbaric, America is barbaric and backwards. My great grandfather was a Spanish citizen and in 2024, his great grandson have a second class citizenship from the US.

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Kenny, I worked with tribes in the Southwest where the Catholic Church was strong, and across the border. There was horrible abuse in Catholic and Protestant schools, by priests and nuns and others. I wish I hadn’t brought it up but didn’t know how to delete. Those of us doing work in this territory know we can’t talk about it to people who don’t know already. It’s too awful. I apologize.


British colonization didn’t integrate the Indians. If South America and the Caribbean the British were the ones doing the colonization there wouldn’t be a single brown person in South America. They would be living in an Indian reservation getting drunk. The Spanish colonization from the start mixed with the Indians.

Those reservations in North America are a monument of the retarded policies of British and American colonization. Before English grammar was created Spanish monks were giving the Indians their grammar to write their own history. Is simply two worlds apart.

The only way for people to know, is people who know, to bring whatever it is, no matter how dark, out into the light. Sun light breaks down harmful things like fatty virus envelopes, so to will it break down harmful ideas.

One has only to look at the Boston Catholic’s and their depravities. To be clear, I am NOT talking about your average christian in there saying their mass to what can only be described as devote faith in the spiritual and the all mighty. I AM however, talking about those in the hierarchical structure who had the power to abuse and took advantage of many many many … many people!

I live in a Masonic reservation let me out!

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Are we under the assumption they have many wonderful options to pick from otherwise?

When the Japanese were rounded up after pearl harbor in '41, did they have options?