The History Lesson Not Taught in School

If all the dots in historical events were connected since 1492, the scenario leads us to understand what’s going on now…this guy seems to have made sense of it all.

Don’t know if this link will work here, but here’s some of his work.


This is absolutely fantastic, what a superb contribution you have made on this site. I want to read those books by Fernand Braudel and Giovanni Arrighi, they connect very neatly with Dr. Farrell works.

That’s what I thought too, it brings together all that we discuss on this web site, except for the Cosmic War stuff. He mentions Dr Farrell and the Vipers of Venice book he wrote when explaining the movement of the Glafia’s banking headquarters.


When he said we have had a world government for a long time already, but is not de facto. In other words is not official, that gave me goosebumps. Made me realize, America is the hegemon serving as the proxy of all the other proxies. We are all victims of this Nimrod bank empire control of governments. This is incredibly frustrating to me, because we all want better governments but is not that simple. Now I understand Dr. Farrell anti-federalist views who wants to be controlled by the Nimrod clan of devils?


Yep, the one with the most gold can rule as they see fit and hire the help they need to do it. The worship of the golden calf mentioned in the Bible was hint.

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I just bin watched Geopolitics and Empire. I really enjoyed his guest Mees Baaijen. You talk about connecting the dots.

Here’s Mees’s substack

I watched another one (Geopolitics and Empire) on his Substack/Rofkin channel and at time stamp 1.54.45 CAF is mentioned. Peter Dukes was his guest and he had a hard time saying his name Hrvoje Morić so he calls him Hay which I will too.

Thanks @Bill10558


an eye opening read…worth the time. I’ve long felt ‘common Jewish people’ are the victims of a nefarious power using them for cover. This goes into detail on how that happened/works today still. The comment about the camps in WWII being used to get rid of the more conservative orthodox before the move to Palestine of people more amenable to fighting was huge.

I possess but haven’t yet read Vipers of Venice. Suspect there is a nexus with the hidden hand discussed here.

Recall how the citizens of Israel were treated by their government during covid.

Thank you, I will check this out. Can you give us a quick summary with bullet points?

Consider the example of the Hapsburg Empire and its use of the Jew as a device for financial, and more importantly, risk management. Use the people and their reputation as a storage device for the animosity toward usury and bad behavior, for which, in their shame, the Jews traditionally have a very high capacity for both instances. When the economic animosity reaches a certain threshold, the pin is pulled and the Jews are scapegoated, in the pettifoggery of both legitimate claims of wrongdoing, but more importantly completely illegitimate harm wrought on innocent Yehud.

Golden oldie?

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