… this was originally posted as a reply to Undine under Angry, Disgusted and Fed Up … thought I might post it here also to catch a few more eyes …
… Yes, we now understand, as exposed during “our most recent unpleasantness”, that the “previous world” you mention was never really there. It was, for lack of a better term, nothing but a “Talosian-generated illusion” (see original Star Trek episode “The Menagerie”). One interesting thing is that the PTB appear to have forgotten the technology (magic) that maintained the illusion. “It’s the economy, stupid” … a modern day spell from the swamps of Louisiana unable to be invoked any longer … possibly? The meanings of words and the “energy” of those words is important to any craft political or otherwise.
Maybe some early interpreters of Descartes (and Descartes himself) were correct in that he posited a Deus Deceptor with, in his own words, “summe potens and callidus”. (see his Meditations on First Philosophy, 1641) Whether one ends up agreeing with Descartes or not still well worth the read.
It seems the great majority of us have been or are slowly being turned into Philip Aylesfords, that we are all part of a giant “Philip Working” (see The Philip Experiment … conducted by mathematical geneticist Dr. A.R.G. Owen and psychologist Dr. J. Whitton, Toronto, 1972). It really would explain much of what we observe going on around us.
Take Jean Baudrillard’s “The Gulf War Did Not Take Place” and instead read the title as “The American Century Did Not Take Place”. It is now painfully clear that our myriad (I say myriad because we can’t know the actual number because those documents are classified and will never see the light of day) “actions” in support of “American Interests” around the world during that time (and still ongoing, I’m sure Giza members can provide their own examples) too were atrocities masquerading as the spreading of Democracy.