The Nazis won the War in many senses, ways and aspects – but it’s all outside the purview of mainstream historical thinking

The Nazis won the War in many senses, ways and aspects – but it’s all outside the purview of mainstream historical thinking


The Nazis won the War in many senses, ways and aspects – but it’s all outside the purview of mainstream historical thinking. You’ll have to dig deep to see the truth of it.

The shocking fact is that top Nazi leaders, technology, money, weapons and people (engineers, scientists and technicians) were safely escorted out of Germany before May 1945, the end of World War 2 in Europe.

Both before and during the War, the Nazis had established bases outside of Germany, and in 1944, aware that defeat was looming, they found a way to secretly get their money out. When I say that really, the Nazis won the War , I don’t mean Nazi as figurative term or as a general term to describe fascists or authoritarians.

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The Nazis won the War in many senses, ways and aspects – but it’s all outside the purview of mainstream historical thinking - Tales from out there (


Dr. Farrell’s book “Nazi International - The Nazi’s Postwar Plan to Control Finance, Conflict, Physics, and Space” also covers the subject.
I tried presenting the theory to two retired Army Colonels (no offense intended), and it was met with resistance and resentment.
I was asked to never discuss it again.


Wouldn’t want facts to get in the way of their “patriotism”.


Someone lived there after the war! The Estate Inaco at Lake Nahuel Huapi!

Hitler’s Estate - Hitler in Argentina: The Documented Truth of Hitler’s Escape from Berlin (

The Estate Inaco at Lake Nahuel Huapi

As the war was rapidly coming to a close with disastrous results for Germany, work began rapidly on the estate called Inalco far up a finger of Lake Nahuel Huapi. This estate was built in 1942 for a German ‘entrepreneur’ then to Jorge Antonio, Perón’s frontman for German companies but in reality it was to be the home of Adolf Hitler. The only access to Inalco was by water, usually by boat but occasionally by float plane. To reach the estate from one direction, it was necessary to pass immediately off this watchtower as we see in this photo shot in 2008 from our boat passing under the tower. There were sleeping quarters and cooking facilities for a dozen or so men. Any boat that passed this tower was sure to be spotted and quickly reported to the security forces and definitely to Inalco.


Lots of military have a hard time in terms of who “won” the war; or have difficulty with high-level Germans being brought over here and going unpunished for crimes they committed, whether perceived or real. Does anyone really ever really “win” a war?


In their minds, they think in terms of win and lose, and many otherwise noble American mil think (or are taught) that they “won”.
Military structure is so compartmentalized and dogmatic, it’s hard for many to break out of that into any other mindset.

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History goes to the victor It is an old adage that history belongs to the winners , and archives and libraries have long been aware that whole segments of societies, and whole societies for that matter, are underrepresented, misrepresented, or just plain not represented in the record of the past.


If you’re speaking of general, physical destruction, The Allies did win the war and Germany would not have been able to rebuild had WE not paid for it; that’s how winning was judged in those days. I do agree that POSSIBLY, as Dr. JPF writes, had we not put Germany under the terms of Versailles, which was impossible to keep (on purpose?), we might not have had a 2nd war, or extension of WW1. If you haven’t read or seen JPF’s video on Cosmic War & the relation to Versailles, it explains quite a lot, gives a lot of insight into how all this might have been formed.

Unfortunately, as we type these notes, history is being changed and rearranged.


I didn’t mean the bombings and physical destruction - but the narrative - what’s been written and taught, and what people believe.

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I know. My comment was just giving the vantage point of how people think.

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