The Pallas's cat, also known as the manul, is a small wild cat found in the grasslands and steppes of Central Asia

The Pallas’s cat, also known as the manul, is a small wild cat found in the grasslands and steppes of Central Asia. It was first discovered in 1776 by the naturalist Peter Simon Pallas, who named the cat after himself. The Pallas’s cat is well adapted to its environment with its thick fur and stocky build, which help it survive in the harsh conditions of its high-altitude habitat. Despite being the size of a house cat, the Pallas’s cat is often mistaken for a larger feline due to its thick fur. These cats are solitary creatures, only seeking out company during mating season, and they have a unique appearance with their flat ears and broad faces.


Thank you for sharing!
That little video clip shows the cat’s unmistable curiosity, something I’ve always loved about cats.

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Oh my! So many amazing creatures we know nothing about, this one is stunning.
Thanks for sharing!


Awesome :smiley: video on the cat!


And then there’s the Persian Sand Cat … Thanks for the link ColonelZ … :slight_smile:


You folks are all amazing, with your wild cat videos!
John and I love cats!!

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Istanbul: City of Cats: