THE QODESH CALENDAR... Has anyone read about, researched or studied this calendar?

From the author: Let me state first and foremost I am neither a Jew1, Christian2 or Zionist3. Over 20 years ago, like Abraham I started on a journey out of Mystery Babylon in
search of truth. While researching the subject ‘biblical calendar’, I was convinced it truly had become lost (Lam 1:4, 2:6 & Hos 2:11) and the original calendar was yet to be
found. This discovery exposes how both Christianity and Judaism have falsified the historic records and both are found party to changing ‘laws and time4’.
Since 2012 and 10’s of 1000’s of hours of research I was able to reconciled over 250 dates in scripture recorded as ‘days of the month’ back to the exact weekday they occurred
on. The discovery reveals the Gregorian calendar used by both Judaism and Christianity is false, and has never been part of the true biblical calendar in any shape or form.
The Roman commercial week is now irrefutably proven not to be the same as the biblical seven day creation week.

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I would be very very cautious…


Haven’t heard of that calendar, no. Do you agree with the author of this paper’s conclusions?

Here are some other theories not sure if this is all accurate:

The Romans borrowed parts of their earliest known calendar from the Greeks. The calendar consisted of 10 months in a year of 304 days. The Romans seem to have ignored the remaining 61 days, which fell in the middle of winter. The 10 months were named Martius, Aprilis, Maius, Junius, Quintilis, Sextilis, September, October, November, and December. The last six names were taken from the words for five, six, seven, eight, nine, and ten. Romulus, the legendary first ruler of Rome, is supposed to have introduced this calendar in the 700s B.C.E.

Why do you share this what does that calendar mean to you?

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Bahri, I’ve never heard of this calendar before and wondered what it was about and if anyone else in this forum knew about or studied it. I don’t believe I will pursue it… although I thought it was interesting and worth a look.
Thank you for responding.

We’re not familiar with the Qodesh Calendar, and like Bahri, are curious about what drew your attention to that calendar?

A couple of years ago, we started reading Dr. Farrell’s books, and in his Babylon’s Banksters, we were introduced to the concept of cycles. Very interesting book – opened some portals for exploration for us. My sense is that the different kinds of calendars were tools that different civilizations and cultures created to help them move through cyclical phenomenae, especially those related to planetary movements.

We also found a book by Mike Bara, The Choice, which included an introduction to cycles and calendars, and he explored some concepts related to the Mayan calendar (which had predicted “end times” around the year 2000).

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Sunnyboy, thank you for your input… it’s not something that I would ordinarily explore without some guidance…

Cycles are important, got to read that book.

Have heard current world age of Pisces is coming to a close over the next century, as we begin the new cycle of Aquarius, which is in the early stages of beginning now but doesn’t officially start in full until 2125.

The author of this Qodesh calendar paper has written couple comments here at Stack Exchange with some self-promotion about that suspect blasphemous calendar:

Deleted this because not sure if this is worth talking about any more or not. Didn’t fully delete yet so brought post back just in case.

Paper and calendar are at

I do have respect for Fomenko just coz its not so dumb to swear as is doing this guy, but to take them both for granted is like saying aha the qodesh books that Ezra swallowed now voila someone has spit out them :smiley: sorry for my sarcasm but couldnt hold my breath of laughing!

now about the cycles that is exactly what is at stake, foremost how we are accepting some standardization its up to our Beliefs and how we interpret them whether due to open spiritual eyes or just plain didactive logic!, the effectiveness comes when using both of them while trying to grasp whether this or that is true!, from my experience I’ll just say I dont even have any doubt that everything Orthodox Christianity claims is even slightly wrong coz base my knowhow on open spiritual eyes in some periods of my life, first as pagan then as Consecrated Orthodox Christian, while resting my hope on Our Almighty Lord and All his Orthodox Christian Saints who indeed checked and rechecked all the letters and numbers and how when and why are arranged as they are!, simply once someone reach level of full open spiritual eyes as Elder he is in constant communication with Angels when whatever will ask will be revealed to him yet dont have urge to demystify to whichever academia even less the western one (even lesser to selfproclaimed explorers) their lets say reinventions of the wheel, tho I do find Jay Dyer as modern apologist from the Laos that indeed could take this logicism and iron it in his didactic philosophical way :smiley: yet as dr. Farrell said Be Very Very Cautious when diving in someones esoteric exploration by some own mathematical blueprint!, my final advice would be better enjoy the fun of Fomenkos algebra than this logicism, simply its more entertaining if not else, after try decipher Michael from NotreD with fomenkos calculus it will be even more entertaining, probably he was also as nostradamus on jimsonweed, an ideal phytoterapy for the hungry delusional cartesian minds in pursuit for heretical apotheosis eventually!

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Jeana, I appreciate your interest in guided exploration, as we like to do that too. We sometimes feel overwhelmed with the maze of information, knowing also that much of the vast information mix is imaginative. Nevertheless, it’s a given that exploration of any given topic will always lead us to dubious as well as helpful stuff, as well as incorrect and correct and missing pieces and out of context, etc. For that reason, we love to have conversations with people, find out what they’ve read/experienced and feel our way into what is worth (to us, given our own values) exploring further. Some things, once you dabble, turn out to be subjects that you realise don’t grab your interest, and then, others spark an interest (again, tied to one’s personal values) and one just naturally gravitates deeper.

I do find the topic of cycles interesting, but don’t necessarily think there’s any one “right” calendar per se – finding the context of a particular calendar is an interesting exploration in itself – it raises to the surface questions about the particular culture that produced the calendar, for what purposes (overt and covert). These things are all fascinating in themselves.

I think it’s great start that you post to the forum and see if anyone knows anything. And, it makes it more fun to explore a topic that way, finding out if anyone knows something about it.

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There are some interesting ideas mentioned could be worth investigating, but the writing is quite aggressive against traditional Christianity.

So if anyone does want to study this, probably not repeating statements like “The church has been mistaken for the past 2,000 years!” is not a good idea if you want to be a member of a church people would most likely take offense to those kind of statements.

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Sounds and looks too much like pre-dynastic Egypt. Very omnious. If I were you I would be extremely careful and cautious also.In my opinion anyway.