The Real Gangs of New York - America's Untold Stories

Join Eric Hunley and Mark Groubert in an in-depth exploration of the real history behind the Gangs of New York. Delve into the fascinating differences between reality and the portrayal on screen as they uncover the untold stories of this intriguing era. Gain valuable insights into the true events and characters that shaped the notorious gangs of New York. Whether you’re a history enthusiast or a fan of the film, this video promises to provide a captivating and informative journey through a lesser-known aspect of American history. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to expand your knowledge and discover the hidden truths behind the legendary Gangs of New York.


During the Civil War Lincoln sent soldiers from Gettysburg to NY to help quell the Draft Riots and they killed approximately 2000 people. 😵‍💫

Oh, WOW!!! :scream: That was great!! Some history lesson!! Interesting point that we are going through the same type of situation now!! But this time they are shipping them to ALL parts of the country!! Just saw Kalispell, MT got a couple busloads! Thanks for posting this one, Soltron147!! :ok_hand:t2:

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