The shocking 1972 UNIVERSE-25 MOUSE UTOPIA experiment few have ever heard about

More experiments on UNIVERSE 25 an RAT UTOPIA from 1973. John Calhoun’s NIMH experiments.

The centrally planned utopia, this is what happened.

The shocking 1972 UNIVERSE-25 MOUSE UTOPIA experiment few have ever heard about.

A message from the past on how societies form around abundance.

More experiments on UNIVERSE 25 an RAT UTOPIA from 1973. John Calhoun’s NIMH experiments.

The centrally planned utopia, this is what happened.…
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There’s nothing wrong with abundance, we already have abundance( “bounty”) , but planned scarcity is what we are presented with. The problem is central planning and Control, sold with free lunch, convenience and simulated saviouralism, and being told to seek happiness rather than Freedom.

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