Originally published at: THE TEXAS FIRES: THE POWER LINES DID IT

A few days ago I blogged about the fires in the panhandle of the State of Texas, and the suspicions I attach to them. As I pointed out, some of those fires are inconveniently close to the Pantex plant north-north-east of Amarillo. In case the reader may have forgotten or may not have read that…


Generally, on “today’s Blog” I reply on the “public” side.
However; both the “private” and “Public” side of things are being engineered.
Right and wrong have purposely been blurred; “their” narratives to run deep & wide.
To run into one another; or, change places all together.
Depending on your point of view, and/or the paths you took through life,
Paths you thought were true - turning out to be - winding and treacherous.

copy of what I wrote on the “public” side>

“A sign of the times; times that follow unseen Dewey cycles?
An unseen Atlantis science of galaxy wide cycles?
An unseen hand, that may have much to do about…

Plasmas, as far as I know, is not a card in “their” hands - to play as they wish.


Defer maintenance, increase profits, blame others. The deferred maintenance as well as long power lines create a vulnerability that can be exploited by saboteurs. The infrastructure needs to be hardened but the short term profit cycle does not incentivize the expenditure. Energy production needs to be more local and less centralized. This transition requires expertise, but that is another area where the country is falling short.

Given the bad freeze in Texas (February 2021) and this fire, the evidence is pointing to inadequate protection of energy infrastructure.


Perhaps these vulnerabilities are being engineered into the cake?
A cake paid for by an engineered private currency, that’s being weaponized;
just as their globalized press and their God-like powers?

I think it feels a bit retaliatory. A iconic Texas symbol in the cross hairs. Utility company shrugs and passes on the costs.

Always the optimist, after enough abuse, energy grid management will evolve, but profits first.

Or, operation Texas barbecue increases beef prices and profits for rival ranchers. It’s ugly. We are eating the seed corn.

The fix is in in Texas. Melissa and Aron from Truthstream Media did a video couple years ago on strange “tesla towers”, mushrooming all over Texas landscape.

Middle of the night thought. I’d like to see some math to see how many BTUs / amp/hours of energy it would take to heat up the number of sq ft of area by the number of degrees/ timeframes Sharick’s data shows in the ‘hot’ areas (delta from the surrounding areas). And when this is determined, is there any airborne nuclear, or HAARP-ish facility that has access to this amount of power? I suspect not. Especially given losses over long transmission distances if that’s the case. So, what’s left? Some sort of zero-point energy source to do the heating-up function most likely. I suspect the biggest nuke generator satellite orbiting out there does not have the capability to generate the amount of energy required to heat those large surface areas up that much. Burn a few cars from space…sure. Heat up dozens of acres over short timeframes? Probably not. Delivery mechanism could be laser, IR, or??? But it’s all about energy density in a given amount of time, and how to produce that much. Zero point energy device…Alaska pyramid? Large cloaked craft? Legacy Giza Death Star activated somewhere?