The Third player Yugoslavia, space technologies ,JFK and space exploration programs...and stuff

Did You know? Probably? :thinking:
Once upon a time, there was a third player and an important one considering , the space exploration before and after WW2.
Yes the Yugoslav Space Program.!

And his ideas for space exploration even before Wernher von Braun stuff
you know!

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found a link to the magazine that published his work in 1929. The whole magazine is an interesting look at past mass publications and home schooling correspondence courses. Unique.

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It’s a drag becoming feeble. Watching Biden on video walking and seeing still pix of it, wearing his slacks backwards, I have to stop. Are you kidding? Has to be fake right? Let’s hope. Slip on trousers backwards how do you zip them? Lol lol pretty fake right? Who’d let him out like that? His handlers? Signaling what exactly? Total derilection ? To who? Who wants to see Biden look demented so badly, that he obliges almost daily!! Pretty sad and no idea wtf is going on, gotta be fake accept the behavior plus the word salads and the wandering lost look as he well, wanders lost?? Reagan had a certain “bewilderment” look after getting shot
but this omg no sure hope it’s fake just humiliating. Who are we signaling ?? Why, what? Very odd. Like the Putin apologists on Giza cult plateau, denial, everyday Putin fails at something new, the signs are there, 500,000 new recruits? Lol anyway they’ll be wearing Chinese made uniforms, on credit, already starving are they? If I put South Korea and Japan together as a force, they are pretty close to China and therefore North Korea is needed to outweigh them, until we factor in the US at 1/2 or just the pacific side, then even India can’t balance conventionally lol lol superiority isn’t irrelevant until you can’t use nukes
:skull_and_crossbones::nerd_face:đŸ˜”â€đŸ’«đŸˆâ€âŹ›:jack_o_lantern::japanese_goblin::ghost::four_leaf_clover::crossed_fingers::crazy_face:they lost control of disclosure, they installed a new directive, infiltrate the media in alt news ufo para, use misinformation experts, posed as whistleblowers, government contractors for secrecy they’re private lol lol why? Garner control of the narrative beginning with renaming it to UAP, dang HRC group, sickos, mind control you’ve already fallen for, denial is the proof!!!ufos are/is everywhere all the time, they are rapidly going visible, the govt can’t afford to wait, get control asap

@noname000 hm too good to be true that was third player, but do jumped in the third half of the game, if we know that when tito went to JFK he have exchange something for something that as ex-yu something obviously couldnt be brought to active space program but could indeed helped usA in its own, and that that something had have importance for that witness the sharp and heavy collaboration right after titos visit to JFK [1] name it from military collaboration through debt opportunities til trade deals, somehow cant grasp how big was this waltz 

questionable waltz risks

 coz after JFK murder cia kept open hand on croatian expats as ace in case Yugoslavia switch side ahead altho this shouldnt be any hint about the cooperation coz cia had have similar attitude even with its closest allies i.e. always having them in pocket by various live sleeprs something that allen dulles had learn as from zionists so as from nazi but above all freemasons thing for constant infiltration even among likeminded, so even tito as high’ranking"freemason wasnt spared anyhow!

with what could had have helped tito usaf and nasa is zero-gravity ideas from the Potochnik diaries [1] coz the combustion rocket engines were nazi aggregate program as Walter Riedel knowhow, also electrogravity propulsion engines as nazi “ufo” program [2] were Viktor Schauberger knowhow [3][3][3]

WernherVB normally was contemplating his ideas but others too not that HermanP influenced his work, stil knowing that apollo program most probably was hoax [4] its wonder whether the players in the space race game reached further HermanP orbital station vision, time will tell tho when we will be briefed about sincerely 


@brandolino are You maybe a.i. bot spammer, if so we can see darpa can implant advanced annoying tech so would troll wherever “its” puppet masters are anyhow hanged online!?

think editing will not give this kind of quote emphasis!