…and stuff regarding electronic voting…weird is it not?
So it would seem “computer glitches” may be real. Imagine what one could do if they were able to harness such glitches and take control of computerized systems. The potential is almost limitless. The examples used, voting machines, cars, and planes are very apropos in todays world not to mention NASA’S apparent knowledge of this for quite some time. A real “computer glitch” could make a good case for plausible deniability in some circumstances. Thanks for posting.
There are also “glitches” caused by consciousness. I tried to describe it in topic
Global Consciousness, Crystals, and AI
In one of the latest interviews of DJ with Gigi Young, the subject has been touched, but not fully explained. There is reported to be a machine working on the principle, capable of answering questions. They call it “space internet”.
We had an experience last year with a baby kitten under my car, a phone that kept ringing by itself, and some sweet little girls that really needed a new pet. Some benign influence seemed to have affected the grid. Serendipity.